Carb setting thoughts


New member
So I've got a new to me 2012 xc200r and I think the jetting is set rich. The reason I think it's rich is because of the jetting that is currently in it for the elevation and temps.

It has the jd jet kit installed in it with the following;
Float is at 17.5
Blue needle at clip #3
180 main jet
45 pilot
I'm at about 800 ft and the temps are in the 80s Fahrenheit

JDs recommended starting settings are
Blue #3
170 main
38 pilot
Not sure why the PO decided on the settings he has in it other than it was in the 50s F, he said when he last rode.

I'm new to 2 strokes (coming from a '13 Husky TE310r) so I know it's a different animal, but I'm having trouble when the engine gets "loaded" down it bogs badly and sometimes stalls out. Basically this happens on hills. And not even steep ones. If I have to back off a little or take off from stop it's hard to get going because it's very "boggy" off the bottom. I don't notice any bogging off idle if there's no load on the engine.

I'm looking for opinions if my thoughts on leaning up the jetting (mainly the pilot) would help the bogging off idle when the engine is loaded.
By the way....first gas gas and love the way it handles on the trail!!
Did you check the spark plug ? Not sure about the 200 jetting, but yes they do look rich.

If the previous owner jetted this way, i wonder what issues the bike could have to go so rich on the jetting. Was the bike ridden in similar conditions by the previous owner ?

p.s. even if you get the jetting right don't expect the bottom end to work like a 4 stroke, it's a little 200 it needs to be revved up a bit
Not yet it's only had about 15 mins on it since a new spark plug.
From what I understand he jetted it when it was colder and not sure he got much riding time in on it. He told me he thought it needed dialed in better with the jetting.
I'll have to play around with it some and maybe start with the jetting suggestions in the jd kit and go from there.
Most times I here someone say it bogs (engine makes noise but no power) it's lean. If it sputters (as if choke is on) it's rich.
I think you could get it to run well with the JD needle but never tried.
I have a setting that has worked great for me on my 12 200 all temps and sea level -3500ft. It would require having the slide cut or buy a new one.
I run air screw 1 turn out, pilot 45, slide 6.5, NOZH needle clip #2, 172 main.
The slide really made the 200 a joy to ride, best 70 bucks I spent on it.
Also the stock gearing was a little to tall for me, 12-50 tooth works well.
Iv not tried the jd,it may be a different diameter, but if you cant get it good.....
Do you have screw lid type carb top(as1) or 2 screw carb cap(as2)?
The as2 works well with the suzuki needle nedh clip#2 (25C up) or nech#3 (0-25C)
Nech3 is halfclip richer.pilot 40/42 main 175.needles $15-20each
0-1500ft nz 70-80% humidity (your humidity/temp may be different)13' 200xc vforce3
I wouldnt say it will give you more bottom end but its smooth and progressive rather than on/off the hit.the 40 pilot is slightly cleaner,the 42 has just a bit more guts off idle.
I run 42/175/nech#3 all yr round (0-35C)
Above 30C its a smidge rich
The Ned?/Nec? tapers work well in the 250/300 also (? is needle diameter,nec'h' for 200)
It is truely amazing what jetting some people will ride around on. Ignore any previous settings and conduct your own experiments.

No experience with JD but get the right needle in right position and the rest will make sense.

Favour rich and work down.

Idle mixture screw "in" is rich. If full in go up a pilot, Wind screw out a couple of turns and start again.

Get bike warm. First time through the gears may splutter as gas in carb has been open to the air since the last time you rode. Good to run carb out at end of day. Tank is vented but not so quick to go off. But will eventually.

Best advice is; and write this down tape to you tank: jet to throttle position.

Whenever you are thinking revs stop yourself.
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Just wanted to give an update on this. I got a hold of JD and they gave me a suggestion which seems to be working out very well at least for the little seat time I've gotten.
Main 175
Pilot 45
Red Needle #3

The kit that the PO installed was for the 2011 and up 250/300 (JDG002) but the needles are the same, I just needed to get some different jets. JDG001 would have been a better kit for the 200.