Carbon pipe guards for Beta and GG.


Bronze Level Site Supporter
Ok everyone here we go,
I have spoken to Matt from Propower factory hardware at the Melbourne EnduroX and he has Beta guards available online as we speak.
They are very well priced and I can vouch for their protection.
Check out these shots of my pipe after removing it today.
I hit the pipe quite a few times and actually bent it up so it was touching the radiator guards by the end of the event, hence removing and straightening it.
Here are the pics of the pipe,( sorry about the dirt):

He had a set back with the Gasser product as it has been lost in a factory somewhere, therefore he has had to make another entire batch.

His email is :


I am happy to answer any queries about the pipe guards as I have used mine on the 12 GG for about 18 months now.
I must say I was very surprised that the pipe did not have any dings in it as I have heard others that use carbon guards complain of the guard looking fine but the pipe is damaged beneath. I guess these guards are just that much better.

Get over there and have a look .
Cheers Mark
You could probably contact him via the website or the email above.
I know he is interested in supplying as much as he can so if the demand is there he would do it .
Send him an email and maybe start a thread to see what sort of demand there is ?
Are the 200 pipes that much different?
Cheers Mark
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Cheers Mark
