Yeah, I too, am dealing with some health issues that have curtailed my riding.
In the end of Jan. of this year, I went in to have my prostate resection done.
I posted a thread about "Recovering" soon after. The urologist took about 95% of the prostate and sent some tissue to the the cytologist. Well, their findings came back as some cells from the bladder were suspicious. As it turns out, I have stage 3 bladder cancer. I started what they call BCG treatments the first part of Mar., the doc told me I would need from 4 to 8 weekly treatments. BCG chemical is some bovine derivitive and it basically burns off the lining of the bladder. The bladder lining in normal humans get sloughed off every 28 days and this chemical just does it in a matter of a couple of hours, then you start to generate a good new lining.
You're probably wondering how they administer this treatment.....its by catheter (of which I pretty used to now

) and I have to leave it in
for at least an hour but they would like you to hold it for 2 hours. I have yet to hold it for 2 hours. With it, the feeling is like you have to pee really bad....I mean really bad. Then when you do pee it out, for the next 3 or 4 days, it feels like you have to pee every few minutes and when you do, it burns like acid. Not fun at all.
I did have a 3 week period between the 4th and 5th treatment that I have felt great. The "plumbing" was working good, was just getting up maybe once or twice at night to pee. I was able to go trail riding on my new '11 GG and had a great time. My wife and I took a vacation out to Tucson to see the kids and had a great time.
The 5th treatment just kicked my ass, that was on April 21st and I have not been the same since. I have had to get up during the nite, at the very least 6 times and as many as 15 times in one nite, every nite! I told the urologist that I didn't think I could go through any more treatments and he thought at first it was a bladder infection but after testing, he thinks during that 3 week period the cancer came back and we need to continue the BCG treatments which probably won't bother me near as bad now since I have been pretty much dealing with those kind of effects ever since the middle of April.
All my life, (I will be 60 in two weeks) I have been really healthy. No major problems, a few broke bones and stitches and stuff, mostly related to mc racing. Never had ever spent the nite in a hospital until the prostate procedure, so I guess I should consider myself fortunate but you know.... getting old sucks.
But anyway, there are better days ahead and if the good Lord took me tomorrow, I'd have lived a good full life with no regrets.....