Coccyx Injury (Tailbone)


New member
Fellow Gassers, please advise me of the healing time needed before you could ride your GG after falling on and injuring your tailbone. My fall was on September 22nd. I catapulted off the top of a log jump, got entirely too much air, lost all control and kicked the bike clear of me. I landed on hard gravel on my tailbone. The pain engulfed my entire body. I lay still for several minutes and as the pain subsided, I got up with help. My butt was numb and swollen in the area of the tailbone. I did not run to my doctor. Instead, I used the ice/heating pad trick. To date, I am healing however, I cannot ride even my Goldwing without some pain. If YOU have suffered a similar situation, please give me a "heads up" as to what to expect from here on and how you recovered from YOUR injury.