Delete Thread Icon in message edit window.


Gold Level Site Supporter
Is there no way for the poster of a new thread to delete a problem thread before the web community has posted comments to it.

Today I made multiple mistakes trying to post a poll. It all started when I forgot to put in some info and it prompted me to go back. My computer settings would not allow me to reverse the page. Ultimately while trying to fix this I ended up creating 3 useless threads I could have easily deleted. But when I went into edit to delete you can only delete the message not the entire thread.

It would be cool if it were possible to add a delete thread icon in the edit window for the original poster in case things happen like they did this morning for me. Even if it was limited like only a 5 minute period you could delete or something to that effect.
Especially for guys stuck in the stone age like me with limited computer knowledge who screw up all the time.

Not sure if this is a possibility or not but I thought I would throw it out there.

Sorry about the screw ups today. :o

Is there no way for the poster of a new thread to delete a problem thread before the web community has posted comments to it.

Today I made multiple mistakes trying to post a poll. It all started when I forgot to put in some info and it prompted me to go back. My computer settings would not allow me to reverse the page. Ultimately while trying to fix this I ended up creating 3 useless threads I could have easily deleted. But when I went into edit to delete you can only delete the message not the entire thread.

It would be cool if it were possible to add a delete thread icon in the edit window for the original poster in case things happen like they did this morning for me. Even if it was limited like only a 5 minute period you could delete or something to that effect.
Especially for guys stuck in the stone age like me with limited computer knowledge who screw up all the time.

Not sure if this is a possibility or not but I thought I would throw it out there.

Sorry about the screw ups today. :o


Errare humanum est :rolleyes:
Unfortunately - if I give a person the ability to delete a thread - you can delete any one elses thread too...

You should be able to delete your own post - if this happens to be the only post in the thread then the thread should go away completely...

Ya I figured it may have consequences like that, no biggie. Just throwing it out there.

Thanks for looking into it Jeff!
