Desert Storm II: The great chilly


New member
So, 2 Desert Storms in a year ae. Whos going down, or up, or across?

Should be good if the dust can stay away, which I think was kind of the idea behind having it in winter/spring. well... um.. not me. There's no way I'm going to eat a pie that's made in Ausfkinstralia, and to be honest, the thought of sittin in a car for 4 hours and not eating a pie is just too daunting, so, nah, I can't see it happening.
Did you/anyone go to the Dead Toad?
Rides are a bit scarce this time of year aren't they?
Looking foward to lambing finishing so I can get back up the farm...
I have tried going down, up and across. It worked pretty well......but had nothing to do with motorbikes:D
Definetly maybe.Never done it,so should make an effort.Injury is sort of coming right.Tarawera trail ride was on Sunday,excellent tracks.Trailblazer this Sat.
I never made the pie connection with Aussie when I was tucking into a wombat & vege or Thai green curry goana?
Tried Bchatts moves.Wife slapped me & told me to act my age.Thanks.
Didn't do the dead toad, but there weren't a heck of a lot of entries though ~50 or so. I blame too many pies + too much beer, resulting in a general lack of fitness which could be attributed to the student way of life I suppose. A friend of mine who is about the same pace finished 1st in class, and 19 overall. He shouldn't really have been in novice though.
Did find a neat video of the Toad though

We are probably going to arrange a house to stay at 5min from the event, so as too avoid the rain/cold. Theres heaps of room, so if anyone was interested just say so, be about $25 a night pp.

I did DS 1 earlier this year, and the tracks were a lot of fun, really flowing trails, a few expert bits. The biggest problem was dust, well that and quads. So, if the dust was gone it would be a good ride, its worth going to just to watch the high jump and enduro cross event they have on saturday night.
Baz,you leave those sheep alone.:eek:

HEY, wasn't me. I must say, alot of this years lambs look very similar to Noobs - Err Noobs, did you go straight home after we did your forks, or did you go for a sneak around up the back?? Just curious... timing would be about right...
excellent video Noobi,a few gassers make an appearance.
You go hard Noobi,at least they won't be chasing you for child support.
Those of you who missed out, really missed out. The tracks were perfect, no dust, at all, anywhere. Nice amount of mud, but still tacky.
Ruts didn't get too deep except for a few places, most of them were in berms, brake slide in and power out, it was like this for nearly every corner.
Did 126k on saturday, and ~135k on sunday.

Enduro cross was crazy, as it was raining, they had a tree truck as the fast line across the river, and a log matrix, and rocks to ride over, did I mention it was raining? High jump was good too, the guy who won, went down on his winning jump with possible 2 broken ankles. He won a years supply of redbull and a bunch of other goodies.

If you didn't go, winter Desert Storm is well worth the money and travel :D
Thanks Noobi.really depressed now.Think I got back on the bike too early & injury has taken a step backwards.
Anyone planning on the Boundary Ride in Waiouru?