Diamond Mill Monsoon Report 19-Apr-14


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"I don't think the heavy stuff's going to come down for a while yet..."

After harassing a track buddy for the last couple years, he finally folded and picked up an '07 KTM 250. For his first ever outing on a dirt bike, we decided to hit Diamond Mill and do a ~30 mile loop that included some nice quad width stuff as well as some technical single track. A group of the usual suspects wanted to witness the thrashing he'd go through, so our group of 7 headed out from staging just after 9:00.

Of course, the forecast didn't quite cooperate. It was nice and cloudy on the way out there - didn't have a single rain drop hit the windshield. Get the bikes unloaded and mostly geared up and the skies opened...and didn't stop for the next ~4 hours :p




We headed out of staging on Mike's and planned to take that over to Jones Creek. Hit the logging road to jump to the next section of trail and wait...and wait...and wait...lol. I loop back to the parking lot and run through the trail again, hit the end just as my buddy stops on the logging road: "What part of never been on a dirt bike didn't you hear the first time" LOL. The rest of the gang took off and we took the logging road around so he could figure out how to shift with dirt boots, how to hit the rear brake, and a few other essentials...lol.

Up Jones Creek and all is good, then over to some unmarked single track and down another trail that I'm not sure the name of. From there it was over to the black diamond that hooks into Deerfence. Had a great time blasting down Deerfence and then ripping along the special test section off Cedar Creek.



The rip up Old Cedar Creek was fun, lots of rocks for my buddy to practice balance and getting the out riggers out :D. He made it up to the top without hucking it down and we stopped for a quick break.



Completely soaked and ready for more, we headed over to have him experience the fun that is Frankenstein :D. He navigated everything no problem and made it out the other side relatively unscathed...lol. Rather than subject him to climbing up Wolf Point, he and another buddy took the logging road around and we enjoyed Wolf Point. Headed down and I swapped bikes with my buddy so he could ride the awesomeness that is a GG200. After riding my bike all morning, his orange 250 4T felt like a tank, but the trials tire he has on the back was perfect for wheelies...lol.

Hit Old Cedar Creek and head down to run the special test the opposite direction, then over toward Cedar Creek staging to take Cedar Creek up and back toward Jones Creek. Down Jones Creek and one last hurrah on Mike's before heading back to staging.

All in all, I think he logged 25 miles and we logged 28 or so (need to get the GPS log). Nothing broken, the bike still working with all the right parts in the right places...success 8) Great day in the woods - can't wait for the next one.


I was able to get some video, but it was too wet and the silly camera kept fogging...so not the usual amount of time wasting material.




Thanks guys, always enjoy getting another buddy into the sport :cool:

I think my boots are finally dried out...lol.
Sweet Brad!

I rode hood river last Friday. Pretty good conditions. Little wet still. Not quite that perfect tacky soil yet.

So glad you're liking the head mod! Ron is awesome!

If you put a trials tire on, you'll have the next level of a cheater bike!

And, good on you for getting another brother into the best sport ever!
I rode hood river last Friday. Pretty good conditions. Little wet still. Not quite that perfect tacky soil yet.

We still need to hook up for a ride one of these times Russ :cool:

There's talk about getting out on May 3rd if the forecast is decent; possibly even head over to China Hat for a multi-day ride (though I'd prefer to stay closer). We might even try to do McCubbins if our newbie joins the fray - maybe a quick over-night trip Sat-Sun.