down hill

macho comacho

New member
Hi Guys
Not sure where to post this so here go's.
When going down a steep hill my bike will stall unless i blip the throttle, is this to do with a float problem or do all 2 strokes have this problem.
2004 ec300
Cheers Macho
I think it depends how steep and how long. Carburettors only work correctly horizontal the right way up because of the float. At big angles the mixture will change maybe even flood. So if your idle is close to stall normally I would expect it to stall clutch in on a steep hill. Taking an extreme, lay the bike on it's side and fuel will piss out the carb overflow.

You should be able to descend in gear, clutch engaged and provided you open the throttle at the bottom before the revs drop to low it should pick up and go. But yes mine will stall if there's a slow technical bit at the bottom and I don't blip. You should be working clutch and throttle together.
I read discussions on setting the float 2mm below the typical spec. For the EC250/300, this is 14mm instead of 16mm (if I recall correctly). This should have some benefit in your situation.
I read discussions on setting the float 2mm below the typical spec. For the EC250/300, this is 14mm instead of 16mm (if I recall correctly). This should have some benefit in your situation.


This is how I've got my 300 set at the moment. Works well. I don't have any stalling on long steep downhill runs. Give it a try, it cleaned things up nicely for me.