Drool and jitters


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My 2012 ec300 has some pretty narly drool to the point that it actually drips a bit after a ride. Also is jittery first taking off then clears up with more rpms, seems to be a takin off in 1st issue. I am pretty sure it's rich just not sure where to start, I read the jetting stickies but didnt find any 2012 setups and the one I did find are up in the mountains lol. Elevation is 800' and temps right now are 50's, and I still have to crack it open to see what jets it's running. Is it ok to run like it is right now or is that to much drool? If anyone is in the same geo ballpark of my missouri riding I would like to hear your setups.

Ps: running maxima super m 50:1, with no jetting experience
The first simple test is to wind out the idle mixture screw to introduce more air into the idle mixture. If you go out and it clears up, that's your fix. If you are wound out beyond 3 turn on the mixture screw, reduce the pilot jet one size and test again. Keep testing and swapping jets until you get to 1.5-2.5 turns out on the mixture screw and appropriate throttle response.

And, to state this before anyone else does, it is not recommended to jet for spooge. Spooge is very particular to either the brand of oil, model of oil, synthetic or dino, ratio, altitude, end can, spark arrestor, pipe (brand and model), rider skill level, and jetting. Jet for performance and deal with spooge on its own.
The first simple test is to wind out the idle mixture screw to introduce more air into the idle mixture. If you go out and it clears up, that's your fix. If you are wound out beyond 3 turn on the mixture screw, reduce the pilot jet one size and test again. Keep testing and swapping jets until you get to 1.5-2.5 turns out on the mixture screw and appropriate throttle response.

And, to state this before anyone else does, it is not recommended to jet for spooge. Spooge is very particular to either the brand of oil, model of oil, synthetic or dino, ratio, altitude, end can, spark arrestor, pipe (brand and model), rider skill level, and jetting. Jet for performance and deal with spooge on its own.

^^^^^^^ doesn't get much better than that!^^^^^^^^
Thanks, that is very straight forward to follow. What about the black plastic idle screw? Is there a starting point I should set that at before tring the pilot. I ask because it is fully compressing the spring right now.
Thanks, that is very straight forward to follow. What about the black plastic idle screw? Is there a starting point I should set that at before tring the pilot. I ask because it is fully compressing the spring right now.

Jakobi can help with that, but from what I understand is that lifting the slide (idle screw wound in tight) bypasses the pilot circuit and changes everything. See if you can wind out both the idle mixture and the idle setting screw to get an even idle. Lower the idle by winding out the black screw, lean the mixture by winding out the air mixture screw.