ec 250 puking its guts up


New member
My bike spewed white crap all over me and bike last night,it was a mixture of oil and coolant.both oil and coolant levels were very low so I suspected water pump seal.when I removed pump cover it seems there is no seal between engine cover and pump assembly just metal to metal.Is this right or should there be a seal.Also it seems that the impellor is damaged as I can turn it around without any resistance, ie not being turned by clutch.All the white gunge was coming out the power valve vent so can only assume it overheated and that was the quickest way out.Any ideas folks.Thanks Gene.
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What year model? There was a run of gassers where the impeller was rubbing on the outer cover which led to failure. Clay and Mark shipped out new impeller covers to about everyone. Additionally, most people installed the new cover, checked the clearance and replaced the plastic impeller with an alloy one.
The bike is 2007 ec 250 and the empeller is a dark green colour,I think its alloy in construction,it doesn t appear to be hitting casing.
There should be a gasket between the cover and the housing. Pull the impellor and check the shaft seal. It will be an odd looking piece with a spring on one side of it. Those do go bad and need replacing. It's easy, if you're not comfortable just take photos along the way and reverse them for install. If you don't notice any marks on the impellor or the inside of the housing don't worry not all of them where bad.
There should be a gasket between the cover and the housing. Pull the impellor and check the shaft seal. It will be an odd looking piece with a spring on one side of it. Those do go bad and need replacing. It's easy, if you're not comfortable just take photos along the way and reverse them for install. If you don't notice any marks on the impellor or the inside of the housing don't worry not all of them where bad.

Exactly,not all were bad. Yep, probably the shaft seal at least.
Thanks chaps i have filled gearbox with kerosene to help clean out vanilla milk shake mess in there,now this mix is steadily flowing out between water pump shaft and that odd looking spring seal ye mentioned,I take it this should not be happening or does empeller need to be bolted on and tight in order to seal this.Also should the spring part of this seal be against empeller or other way around,it was spring against empeller when I opened.(Maybe)
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