Ec 300 2018 not reving down


New member
Hi, a couple of rides ago after washing my bike and heading back home i noticed that the rpms would not drop after acceleration it would keep accelerating. Cleaned carb checked the reeds and put a clean air filter, next ride it run good until after the end of the ride where it started to do it again after i pull a little hard on the throttle. Today i did an mostly enduro ride, slow speed and no problem at all after washing the bike the problem appeared again, i noticed that the air filter was a bit wet. Could it be a crank seal?

I should also mention that when this started to happen i did half a turn out on the carb air screw, after this change only on specific occasions it will do the high rpm.

The reeds are good, the carb boot is good, in the middle time i have put a new piston and rings.

Need some guidance, i'm thinking that is the left hand crank seal(wet one).

Have a real good look at your throttle cable. Replace if there are any kinks or frayed wires. Check your needle has no scratches from grit getting in.

If no to both you are looking for air leaks..
Also spray some starter fluid around the base gasket, reed block, crankcase gaskets. It will show up air leaks. If you can do a leak down test that is heaps better.
I checked the throttle cable and needle, the thing that is most strange to me is if i richen the mixture the bike will do this more often, if i lean it it will only do it on ocasion, like after washing the bike i can do an entire ride without it doing the high rpm. What it seems to me is that as soon as the filter get something blocking air she will suck air some where else and be on that state.

Let me also say, that the idle is good it only happens if i turn the throttle a couple of times.