Ec200 carburation help needef


New member
Hi all
Im having problems with idle esspecially, but would like some advice on jetting for here in the UK.

Bike idles for a short while and then drops off all of a sudden, pick it up on screw and alls good until slide is lifted and its now running high, drop it down and again suddenly it drops off again

Ive checked settings and this is whats in there

38 pilot
6.5 slide
Nozd needle 2.68mm
178 main


get your squish adjusted ,
or a cheap and easy way (not perfect) a thinner base gasket could helpt solve it somewhat. (as what i did)
cheers, Hannes.
So why do you care? Sit at a lot of traffic lights?
But getting the head reshaped in conjunction with closing the squish up will help the overall running no end.
slow 45
main 175
needle N1*HW 2nd clip (*the '1' looks like upside down greek beta letter)
Slide #6

FMF Gnarly
Boyeson carbon fibre reeds
squish 1.3 or 1.6 (can't remember or find notes)

Agree with what's said above about squish. Mine runs great through the rev range and 70 + miles to the tank at greenlane speeds on 13/50 gearing. Do have to wind the tickover screw most of the way in and the tickover is still finicky -- fine when the air is cooler but tends to drop off as the sun rises. Small adjustments on the air screw would probably sort it, but rather keep riding than take pack off to get screwdriver. I think the tickover is just an EC200 thing, there is some suggestion that the 36mm carb would have been better fit for the 200