EC250 Fuel Flow


New member
Yesterday i had a problem with my 2001 EC250 cutting out.

The bike run perfect all day, but when i was making my way home, cruising down a trail with little throttle (low revs), the bike cut out as if it was running out of petrol.

I looked down and could see the fuel filter was empty.

I tapped the filter and managed to get revs back up, and filter started to fill up.

Once i got back home i pulled pipe off carb and fuel seemed to flow out OK.

I need to do some investigation but it seems like the filter is emptying at low revs and filling at high revs.

Has anyone ever seen this before??:confused:
Yesterday i had a problem with my 2001 EC250 cutting out.

The bike run perfect all day, but when i was making my way home, cruising down a trail with little throttle (low revs), the bike cut out as if it was running out of petrol.

I looked down and could see the fuel filter was empty.

I tapped the filter and managed to get revs back up, and filter started to fill up.

Once i got back home i pulled pipe off carb and fuel seemed to flow out OK.

I need to do some investigation but it seems like the filter is emptying at low revs and filling at high revs.

Has anyone ever seen this before??:confused:

Same thing happened to me on my '01 XC 200. I had a speck of trash in the vent line on the gas cap. Remove the rubber washer on the under side of gas gas and clean it out good, blow out the vent line too.

Ok Thanks,

I'll check that later, i noticed that my vent line has a one way valve (inline) fitted, so i'l check that aswell
Well took the cap and pipe off, and seems clear, what I did notice is that the end of breather pipe pushes on to a clip on the handle bars to stop it moving about.
This was full of dirt so could have been blocking end of breather pipe.

Does the breather pipe need a one way valve fitted??
There's one fitted but defiantly looks aftermarket (and cheap)
Did you remove the rubber gasket inside the fuel filler cap? There should be a small metal disc and spring in there. Make sure it's clean in there.

Yes, any trash in the breather line can cause problems. It has to be perfectly clear of dirt, bugs, mud or anything else.

In my opinion , the breather line does not need the aftermarket check valve.
The spring loaded metal disc in the gas cap should keep trash from getting in the tank

Yes I removed the rubber gasket, but couldn't see s metal disk, it looked like a black plastic disk with a little hole in???

Il remove the inline filter and check cap again, but seemed very clean inside of the cap
it depends how often you fall over. the oem one-way valve i have is a steel ballbearing in the gas cap. the rubber seal holding it in shrunk over time so i did ride it for a while without the seal, but didn't like the little bit of fuel that was making my bike dirty so modified the rubber seal.

often the aftermarket "shorty" check valves get blocked.

pull the breather pipe off and ride it without to see if the problem is sorted out