EC515FSR hard to start when cold


New member
Hi all!

I have a 2009 EC515FSR which doesn't like to wake up in the morning. It takes at least a few minutes to get running, all the time starting it using the electrical starter.
I keep the air filter clean, i changed the spark plug from a NGK CR9EIX to the standard CR8E, but that doesn't make a difference.
Since this is a bike with injection there is AFAIK no "starter" position for the injection.

Any tips or tricks to make the bike start in the morning?


Starting the 515 bearks the starter clutch

Hi all!

In one month i had to replace the starter clutch twice. I read on the forum that people have starting issues with the 450 and 515 mainly the '03 and '04 ones. Mine is '08 and i also have these issues.

Has anyone found a DECENT solution to this problem? Modifying the decompressor works?

I am desperate and put my 515 for sale again. If you look at how easy it is to kick a two-stroke. This is my fist 4-stroke and i think i made a mistake buying it. :mad:

Hi Ton a mate of mine has the 08 450 and was having the same sort of problem.
He had the program update and has fixed the problem 99% of the time. He has also found that some times he needs to open the throttle slightly. Hope this helps
There is software update for the ECU. I think there is a link on Gas Gas Spain website. Most dealers should be able to help with this.
You could almost go to the factory to get the software update.. I said most Gas Gas dealers should be able to help you out with the update.
Hey I was having this same issue. I have made a lot of progress and pretty much eliminated the problem doing the following (not to say your problem could be different but this is what worked for me:)

1. When you attempt a start, and it wants to start but doesn't, flip the on/off switch to reset the EFI. (You will hear the pump/injectors prime or whatever they are doing) then try starting again.

Repeat as necessary - but I have found this makes each subsequent "start" a bit stronger .

2. I would not doink around w the throttle much . If anything just crack the throttle open a tad as it starts to engage. (I feel it sometimes needs a bit of a push).

3. Make sure you are not running lean for some reason. I happened to have been running a bit lean due to an air leak. Technically where my air leak was I am not sure it was affecting starting or not but when I sealed it up it sure didn't hurt!

Hope this helps!!
Thanks for all the help. Never found the solution to the not starting. Hence i had to start through for several seconds and destroyed the starter clutch again.
At the end i replaced the starter motor and the starter clutch again. Last starter clutch lasted for 1,5 hour. Basically three times starting. Bike is for sale now. I don't want to spend $300 every time i want to go out with her.
Looking for a 2 stroke now which can actually be started by kickstarter.

Do you have your blue/yellow wire (the one that connects to a corner of the ECU, from under the tank) connected or disconnected?

Others have reported differences in how easily it starts depending on if it's disconnected or connected (but seems to go both ways for different people)

When I had it connected (as in post above) I had to do what I said above to start. Once I figured that out, it was just fine .

After I disconnected it, TOTALLy different deal. Just the opposite. Bike wouldn't start worth a dam using that procedure.

With the blue/yellow wire disconnected, I have to open throttle at least half way. Usually fires right up, with a definite roar, haha!! If I try to start it w throttle closed it doesn't wanna stRt and sometimes let's out a loud gunshot type pop.

That being said, from what I understand the blue yellow wire switches it between 2 maps , one lean for emissions (connected) and one richer (disconnected). Your EcU itself also hAs certain settings (it would be good to find that out too, especially if you are currently already blue yellow disconnected, before connecting (going leaner)

The point I am trying to make I guess, is these bikes really have quite the quirky personality when it comes to a starting procedure, and this seems to be very sensitive to fuel mixture/settings. Mine has been pretty good once I figure those things out but it was not obvious at all and took me a while to figure out!
Thanks, Why. I will try that out. At the moment it's too hot to go out on the bike. Last thing i did was to replace the starter motor and the starter clutch again. Now the bike starts fine. Question is for how long.
I lost confidence in the bike and am selling it or trading it in for a two stroke.
Too bad actually because everybody tells me that the FSR515, once you are used to its power, is the best bike GasGas ever built.