Extract videos from Android to post here?

To quote Mr. Know It All 'I really should have known'

I toured the CPD facility in Marshall TX. Rieju, SWM, Electric Motion, etc. And maybe a few suprises! Just 30 min from where I was staying before having to return to Nawlin's for the USDA, where I'm an IT tech. So, this stings doubly.

I'm a big OJT person. Don't learn what I don't need to utilize in my work. I'm 60, been working for the GOV since 1980, before we ever had computers in my workplaces. AD AF, Full time Reserves, DoD, VA, and now USDA.

I make up for my lack of knowledge with the sheer qty. of work I can accomplish. Particularly in the traditional customer service area (IE dealing with the end-user which is quickly becoming a lost art.)

Anyhoo, for the life of me I can't figure out how to get the video off my phone, edit, and post up here. It's too large to email.

Any basic steps, instructions for accomplishing this would be greatly appreciated. I've got some good stuff from Mark and the folks there and plan a trip back in 2 weeks.

An AJP PR7 Gold Edition (Ohlin's ) is in my future. Unofficially I'm numero uno on the list. Only 5 coming to the states. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=878222000971731&set=a.505486658245269

I think everyone (other than someone who's been there) will be shocked at the product in qty. they have in house.


I would look at uploading it to youtube and posting a link to it here This is versus uploading here - there are limits to the size of what can be effectively hosted from this website. And that is definitely too large.

As far as video editing goes - I used a microsoft editor the last time I had to edit a video - so others can chime in with a good recommendation for you.

Sounds like you had a great visit. Looking forward to seeing it. :-)

Yep. Youtube is your best bet for uploading but they do limit upload length/file size when you're a very small/new channel.

There are some video editing apps you can get for android phones but it's not nearly as easy to edit on a phone as a PC or Mac computer. You can normally transfer large files to a computer by using a cord between your phone and the computer's USB port.

I use the free Davinci Resolve editing software but it is a steep learning curve. However, like Jeff mentioned, if you have a PC Microsoft has there free online Clipchamp editor now which is a lot easier to work with. If you have a Mac I don't know what to use as I have never owned one.