Finally fixed front brakes


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Well I've been messing around with the brakes for years. Rebuilt with new seals in caliper and master. New pins several pads and discs. Even bought a new line. Found a low mileage XR400 caliper to swap onto the GG carrier.

Every time made a small improvement. But like not marvellous.

One night I had a rush of blood and bought a brand new Nissin Master cylinder off Ebay from Italy of all places.

Tried it last weekend. Now it's great. I'm confident using 1 finger down steep downhills.

I guess eventually the master wears a bit and a new sealkit doesn't address that.

Must do the rear next. I had tried a Chinese CR copy but bore was different and needed bodge spacing brackets as hole were further away from body at the bottom..
Good job!

On my '01 XC 200, I ordered every part, front & rear including brake pads from a'01 Honda CR 250 oem online parts outlet.

Brakes are excellent now.
