Finding TDC?

Not that I could find.
I ended up using the old dial indicator technique. When reinstalling a head on one of my 450s, I looked in the 2004-2005 manual and their terminology was a little unclear about how to set the cams. I downloaded the 2003 manual and it was a bit clearer.

In the end, I used just btdc and just followed the DRZ procedures. Except for the lack of a mark on the flywheel everything including all the cam markings are the same as the DRZ.

Yep just took off the stator cover and there's no marks I can see on the flywheel, I can see the cam marks are same as the DRZ but just want to make sure the Crank shaft is in the right place and my dial gauge is way to short!!

I'll have a word with my dealer tomorrow

Dial gauge too short? Extend it with a short piece of plastic tubing, but make sure the tubing is snug on the gauge. You don't want it to come off in the cylinder.

anyway, what your looking for is the dead spot when the piston is all the way up. I set mine just prior to the center of the dead spot. Download the 2002 motor manual and it gives a complete breakdown of the process. In fact it looks like in the 2002 manual GG just cut and pasted the DRZ manual on how to set up the cams. To make sure I got it right the first time, I pulled the plug from my DRZ and turned the motor over with a wrench to see what it felt like when the TDC mark popped up in in view hole. Then I turned the GG over the same way and when it felt like the DRZ did at the TDC mark, I assumed that the GG piston was in the right place.

yeah i've got the manuals, just didnt find it clear, spoke to my GG dealer ( they are really helpful) they suggest a screwdriver/plastic tubing in the plug hole. Also it is at TDC when the pick up is on the 7th tooth, but actually I'm being thick! .... I can see from the cam marks when its at TDC, I'll line them up then mark the flywheel, I can then remove the cams to adjust the shims and put it back together as it was!!!

Tomorrows job sorted!

That's what I did.

I had a skinny wooden dowel I stuck down the spark plug hole and used the kick starter to find when the piston was all the way up and then with the cover off the motor I moved the seventh tooth to the pick up or what ever it is just like it reads on the download I got from the Gas Gas web site.
7th tooth ?

What is this " 7th tooth" that you speak off ?
How do you know which stroke you are in when the cylinder is all the way up?

Thank you and thank goodness for this forum. What did people do in the old days? :confused: