First Gas Gas Ride


New member
Well, I took my first ride on a Gas Gas ever today, my new 2011 250 Six Days. Last bike was a resuspended 2008 KTM 200 XC. I've ridden only KTM's since the late 90's. I'm a top B/mid pack A level rider. This my impression of the Six Days after a tank of gas. The ride: super rocky and tight technical single track 1st, 2nd gear, 3rd a couple places. 90 degrees out, 700 ft altitude.

The good: The jetting was very close, after one lap (25 min.) I came in and dropped the needle one clip, after that it ran very clean and crisp. Not sure what actual jets are in it as I haven't looked yet but motor pulls very clean even crawling in 2nd gear. The bike turns ridiculously easy, it's gonna take some time to adjust to this. It's also easier for me to stand up on this bike than the KTM. It feels narrower and easily as flickable as the 200 did. Did I mention the bike turns?? I like the feel of the cockpit, seems very roomy and easy to move around on, not cramped at all. I'm 5'11" by the way.

The bad: The stock tires are horrible for rocks and hard pack, I know nobody really runs them in that but I figured I'd see what they were like before I put some different rubber on it. The front end deflects off everything, if I didn't hit something straight on it felt like I was gonna ricochet off the trail. The rear end didn't feel as bad as the front but it was still a little harsh.

I want to check the squish band on the bike but it seems to run very clean and strong off pump gas so I'm assuming it's not gonna be horrible. The suspension is gonna get sent off and reworked, that was the plan from inception anyway.

Bottom line: Once the suspenders are set up I think I'm gonna be very happy with this bike! It steers so easily with knee input it makes me smile. :)
Was riding out to City Park in Austin. Not sure if you've been there before or not? There are some youtube videos of it out there. It can be pretty brutal if your suspension isn't setup for that terrain.

I'm guessing that front tire works better out there on the east side of the state? :p
Lots of history and knowledge on the 45 Shivers - any number of tuners can get you set up. We've done three or four sets lately with real positive results.