First ride! Report


New member
Hi Guys,
I finally got to rip it on my 2010 EC 300 today. Here are some first impressions.

Previous bike '03 YZ450F, set up for woods (of course).
Rider- 39 YR "B" rider, riding 35 yrs. Haven't raced in 10 yrs.
220 lbs, 6'0 tall.

Day- 60 Deg F, 600 ft above sea level
Bike has stock springs, revalved fork.
Rekluse EXP Core clutch

Carb settings-
N3CH Needle, 180 main, 45 pilot, needle on 2nd from top, air screw 5/8 out
I knew the bike was jetted for summer in OK, so at first I raised the needle a clip- ran terrible. Put it back, plug looked good all day.

Engine- I'm thinking it could have had a slight more power at WOT, but other than that, it was like riding a race horse. The "sunshine" switch made a difference, and I could see how it would come in handy 7/8 the way through a rough hare scramble. It takes the edge off, but doesn't totally kill the power. The bike was very perky, I couldn't be happier with the low end hill climbing power, wheelie at will over logs and ruts. I was worried about getting a "woods" bike because others I've ridden were dogs down low- Not any more! The bike also idled extremely smooth and at WAY low RPMs. I'm guessing the EXP Core helped with that. That being said, the Rekluse worked flawlessly, much smoother than my Z-start unit in the YZF. Never a squawk. I played around on some hills trying to see if I could stall it, no chance. The thing was like a 2 stroke tractor! This is the first 2-stroke in over a decade for me, and the first I've ever ridden that actually seems to like to be lugged a gear high. Amazing. The bike never loaded up, crisp and clean all through the power. I couldn't be more happy with the power. Wheel spin was a factor, it wasn't as precise as the YZF to dial in the exact speed (let's say climbing a hill where traction is critical). I drag raced a buddy with a KTM 400 exc-w, I took him every time, but not by as much of a margin as I would have thought (about a bike length after 200 yards or so). He also had a new tire, and mine was about shot. Between wheel spin and wheelieing, was more of a challenge VS. the YZ450.

Suspension/handling- Very good. Through the woods, it worked perfectly. I took it around the track on some small/medium jumps, amazed how well it performed.
I haven't played with any of the settings, just rode it today. The bike never bucked or got squirley on me. Even whoops proved to be in total control. Turning was amazingly quick, a pure joy to toss around. Coming off a heavy (and brutal) MX 450, the bike felt as light as a feather.

I'm guessing the bars are stock (Easton EXP, CR Mid bend). This was my only real complaint. The bars were too short, making sit/stand transitions hard on the knees. Taller bars are certainly on my to-get list. Hopefully this will make the transition easier, not easy to do quickly. That being said, I sat down more than I would on my YZ since the suspension made it so much easier on the body. In the sitting position, the low bars are fine.

The black plastics don't make the bike very flashy, while following the bike through the woods (especially after being dirty), it's actually kind of hard to spot. Of course the headlight helps in the front.

On my list would be taller bars. I've had good luck with the Twinwalls. I'm also looking at the Hyde skid plate/pipe guard combo. Finally, I'm looking into a trail tech computer and a tail-light set-up.

Casualty- I busted the swivel portion of the shift lever off today, this is the first time I've done this. I've bent the $hit out of plenty, but never broke only the end off. I guess I'll be in touch with Gofasters ASAP for a new one, and an extra. Anyone have any better ideas?

Sorry for the long post, let me know if anyone has any thoughts. Thanks again to everyone for this awesome forum. It's certainly a life saver.

Take care,
Welcome aboard, and glad you're groovin' on your new bike. Guys can hardly believe what an awesome mount the 300 makes until they really ride one, and then their stories sound just like yours!
get a hammerhead shift lever and the Windham bend renthal twin walls have an awesome bend just as tall as the cr's but not as much sweep Enjoy your new ride
Great report Tim. Being taller you may want to look into the tall seat from GoFasters also. My son is your height and he went with the taller bars and tall seat to make a perfect fit for him. Glad the GG is feeling so good for ya; they are awesome bikes.
Make sure you try the bar mounts in the forward position and in the forward hole in the clamps. It makes a big difference.