Float height ???


New member
Gday ladies and gents,
Ok. I have an 07 ec300 that when I picked it up
wouldnt run due to poor jetting and it leaked fuel
when on the stand. Sent it back to the shop, they
rejetted and seemingly fixed the leaking overflow.
So I have now fitted my LTR Jetting kit (which I must
say is awesome !) and the leaky overflow is back. I
just pulled the carb out, checked everything was in
its place and level, measured 16.5 for the float level.
The fuel is coming out of the pipe on the bottom of the
fuel bowl. When the bike is upright its fine...just when
leaned over or on the stand it leaks.
Any ideas/ help is much appreciated.
Check to be sure the floats are not twisted, that is both floats are not at the same level. The float assembly is very delicate. All three of my GGs came with a slight twist in the floats and two of them pissed fuel. Place the float assembly on a flat surface and you will see any twist, it will be obvious if you can "rock" the assembly back and forth. VERY carefully twist to correct this. Reinstall and check/set the level, center of float (mold line) parallel to carb body with needle just closed. That should do it.
Ok checked the float assembly and it seemed perfectly straight. Remeasured the float height and came up with 16. Now Im not sure if what I did is right but it worked. The tang for the needle seemed to be barely pushing on the spring loaded pin in the bottom of the needle when the float was pushed into the bottom of the carb so I bent the tang down slightly (toward the needle) and came up with a 17mm float height. Now there is no fuel leaking when the bikes on the stand and will leak fuel when the bike is tilted to about 45 degrees to the side (stand up). Havent had the chance for a test ride yet so will do so tomorrow.