float level 05 ec200


New member
G'day, me again. Just after some info on checking/setting the float level on an 05 ec200.

I've gone through the back log of posts on the issue and most seem to say to set the level at that of the seam/joint between bowl and carb body. Would this be at the middle given the carb is on an angle or measured at the front?
should have left it alone

so I decided to have a go at tweaking the float levels as per some info I found on here, adjusted the tab accordingly, all is going well so far.

Went to put the bowl back onto the carb and noticed the same resistance as the last time I had it apart. Not much, just enough to be noticeable. I ignored it last time but decided to have a better look this time around.

Anyhow, I decided the brass? overflow tube was touching the arm of the float assembly. Being smart I decided to bend it slightly to clear. 5 seconds later I've snapped the forking thing off at the base.

So, am I up for a new bowl or can I replace the tube somehow? I'm assuming it's a set length?
So, am I up for a new bowl or can I replace the tube somehow? I'm assuming it's a set length?

I think the length isn't super critical, but getting a secondhand bowl from ebay or similar shouldn't be too pricey or difficult to source.
I think the length isn't super critical, but getting a secondhand bowl from ebay or similar shouldn't be too pricey or difficult to source.

I ended up buying a new one. For $40 it wasn't worth trying to find a second hand one.

I think the bent tube was why the float levels were off, the previous owner must have bent it somehow, as it snapped pretty much as soon as I touched it, like it was fatigued at that point.