fork changeover


hi guys,
I have an '04 EC300 with the 45mm Mazzochi forks. 12 months ago i had them rebuilt and they are leaking already. Anyway i have an '06 KX450 with Ohlins 48mm forks and an original GG triple clamp set to accomodate the 48mm forks. Considering its not going to cost anything except time I'm wondering if it is worth changing to the ohlins forks or not. Actually just thought about the width between the forks at the triple clamp, ill have to measure that so i can use the complete front of the KX. Another way would be to determine the bearing changes needed to take the KX triple clamp then the wheel would fit with no changes to spacers and axle.
Any input is muchly appreciated.
Extremely I would have thought if you intend to keep it. But I'd expect the spring rate, preload and likely valving will be more suited to a top heavy 450 falling out of the sky.

Mate has just done with YZF450 forks and it is good when travel is being used but too 'everything' most of the rest of the time.
Funny you say a top heavy 450. book wieght on the 04 EC300 is 109kg and the book weight on the 06 KX450 is 104kg. anyway Ive done the swap. Ive got everything on softest setting and its actually pretty reasonable. id say the spring is too heavey for my wight as im only 65kg so am looking to get lighter springs prolly go for about .40kg/cm and not sure on the valveing as thats a bit beyond my expertise. Yup the plan is to keep the bike, id love a newer bike with Estart but $$ is the problem. for about $1k i should have this way better than ill ever be able to handle.
So far every fork I've taken apart that has a reputation for being "harsh on small square edge hits" has simply needed a smaller clamp shim. I've also learned to remove any excess bleed and never use a crossover.

12 months is a decent time between servicing if you're riding often. If you're worried then change the bushes, all balls do decent sets very cheap.
What is excess bleed and using a crossover? Also clamp shim. Im new to working on suspension. I've replaced the oil to spec lvls but havnt gone any further in than that. I need to change the springs in the ohlins forks as they are not for my weight. I'm 65kg so even if they standard weight springs (.46) still too stiff for me. If i can ill get some .38 springs. Unsure on how to do valving so ill prolly have to leave that or pay someone.
how old are the ohlins .are they cartridge or open type on your marzochis how much play is there the in the legs [wheel of grab leg ]iv just had to shim the slide bush to stop my 45s leaking . if you ride mostly in the woods the marzocchis are best
The online are off an 06 kx450 other than that no idea. I had the mazocchis rebuilt about 12 months ago but not change the springs rate or revalved to my weight. My plan is to now do that but wondering whether to do it to the ohlins or the zoks.
what type of adjuster do the ohlins have on top is it a black knob or two bolts and a slot adjuster in the middle in gold
Mate has just done with YZF450 forks and it is good when travel is being used but too 'everything' most of the rest of the time.

I am contemplating swapping a set of YZ KYBs into my 2010 EC250. Any ideas if the YZ steering stem is compatible with the GasGas steering head? I'd assume at least a bearing swap will be required.
what i did with mine was got a second top t-clamp and had it machined out by a mm or 2.
I also retained the GG wheel by getting special spacers made to accept the yz axle

I believe all balls has a bearing conversion kit if you want to use a full yz front end
I have a 2006 KYB SSS fork in the original gasgas tripple clamps. I machines them as well. I put the original gasgas wheel with special made spacers in fits without problems

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