Forum colors


Super Moderator
Staff member
To avoid confusion with the "other" Gas Gas forums, we should do a different back ground color.
I like it the way it is.

I actualy like the GG forums (both of them) just the way they are. I sure dont want either one with a pink:eek: :eek: :eek: background.

I also think that anyone who would go to this forum would also like the other forum. I also think that anyone who would come here is probably smart enough to know where they are going. The only time I ever "mistakenly" wind up on a websight is when Im caught looking at (well you know:o ).

This is the Gas gas Riders Club

If the 'powers that be' are feeling creative, I say "THRILL ME!". Its still a fabulous websight and a great forum. You cant hurt it.
HI all,

The colors are the default supplied by the software. I'll play around with going red/black/grey motif.

Actually in my opinion we should have only one gerarlized Gas Gaw web site, kinda like KTM Talk. I like Jeff's site -this site- and don't visit the Smackover to ofter after Jim Cook left - I like consildated info. My vote is this site!!!

TeX MarK
Just to clear things up a bit - Girard got confused about which site he was sitting on when he saw a "viagra ad" posted on the "other site". Thinking it was on "this site" - he sent me an e-mail to nuke it. So this isn't a question of "this site" or "that site"....

I would appreciate it if you didn't refer to this as "jeff's site" - This isn't my site, I work on it (for free) with the help of others in the gasgas community. This site, in essence, belongs to the entire gasgas community and is non-profit. It doesn't have "a store" and it doesn't sell bikes! Given that, "this site" serves as a vehicle to strengthen the entire gasgas community. This community includes owners, dealers, and vendors....

This site is currently supported by contributions from dealers and vendors. Being non-profit, sponsors get visibility in the gasgas community at a relatively low cost. e.g. our total costs here are what one dealer would have to pay on another site for a banner ad for a year...

GasGas Riders Club
background colors

Hey Jeff, just one thought about the black, grey and red colors. I'm partially color blind and I'm sure alot more here probly are too. When I try to read red letter's on a black background it's almost impossible. anything but red or green lettering would work. Those are usually the problem colors.
P.S. are u gettin tired of me yet? just let me know and I'll leave u alone. Wish I knew how to put a smilie on the end of a sentence! I have way too much time on my hands with this shoulder surgery.
Thanks for letting me know that. Just so ya know, I am not a big fan of dark backgrounds for text areas... The absolute worst for eye strain is purple on a dark background.

When I get time to play around with the color scheme - I will run it by you first...
