Fun racing my buds


Active member
Having fun racing my buddies on one of our regular loops. The young guy on the CR125 beat us all! Kind of funny that it ended up with the little bike leading and the progressively larger on back! CR 125, then a KTM200, me on the GG250, then the KX250, and then a KTM 350xc-f.

Was it pretty dusty out there, or is the terrain more like sand and you don't have to deal with as much dust kicking up?

Nice save at the 1:30 mark...wouldn't have been fun to end up that whatever the heck it is (lol). Guessing it had thorns based whatever was stuck in your glove?

Nothing like losing the front in the deep stuff, huh. I remember doing that during one my trips to the central OR desert (China Hat); pushed the front and lost as I was moving along pretty good and hit mother earth really hard.

Looks like a great day out there, so cool to see the horizon just keep going and going and going :D
It wasn't too dry. We had rain like two days before that ride. When it's real dry, like now, you have to keep 20+ feet or more back from the rider in front of you or you can totally lose the trail.

Yeah, that save was lucky. The front just pushed. Thankfully the GG has excellent brakes! Seems I can't get the front to stick with the Dunlop MX51 unless the soil is moist. If it's dry on top, I'm sliding and pushing especially in that deep sand where I ran off my bike. Normally I can stick that with no problem. Just not with the MX51.