Global warming debate

Without watching the latest spin my view is ,that this just the agenda that the socialists are going to sell to the morons and stick us with. The outcome ,way more taxes and hardship for us the working poor all in order to enable the poor Africans , Indians and the rest of the , we dont know what birth control is great unwashed. Big corps like G.E. half witts like Bono and those pricks Al gore and David Suzuki and the Sierra Club will all make shit loads of money while grinding us into the dirt in the process.
Anyone else find it odd that leftist ABC aired this??

Thanks for the link Girard, this gives me more ammo to shoot at all the liberals I come across.

I think I will go out in the shop and pull out my blower, chainsaw, weedeater, and my bike and set them in the driveway. Then fill them all up with pre-mix, a tad rich at that, then let them all idle at the same time until they run out of fuel. I'll video tape it and send it to fake ass Al Gore.:D :D
Funny you guys would mention Al Gore.
Did you know that if he became President, he would designate EVERY National Forest a state park.:mad:

That would end off road riding as we know it.
I just heard a thing on NPR about Russia. The jist I got was that they (Russians) believe it's a natural cycle, not caused by humans. They see the "save the world" movement as groups using a fashionable cause to get government grant monies. My Dad always thought he should start a "non-profit organization" and pay himself $500K a year to work for it. :rolleyes:
There right, as are many American scientists who beleive this as well.

Oh, and Al Gore wouldn't stop you from riding, you'd just become an outlaw like me.
Al Gore is making big money with al of this, and many dealers too, you know what a carbon credit means? means you EU company can contaminate now if you buy at 70 dollars carbon credits from company in Peru....That carbon credit was bought from the dealer to the Peruvian company for 10 see they sell a pice of contamination :mad: so is still contamination what makes money :eek: ... make a return per day? of 700%? I can buy a nice bike with that return jejejejej:D

GENTLEMAN, Please take this GW stuff seriously. I regularly lose sleep over it just like I did when Y2K was looming.

Paul B

I will be mashing my carbon foot print into the soil near Big Lake Wa, Thanksgiving morning.
I didn't watch the video and I haven't educated myself enough to have an opinion on global warming, but I do believe pollution will be a problem if we don't get it under control. I don't think we all need to stop riding. I think government policies should push automotive manufacturers for cleaner emissions, better MPG and industries in general for emmisions.

Attacking ATV enthusiasts is not a drop in the bucket. We should look at the larger polluters like automobiles and the manufacturing and power generating industries.

I can't believe how much heat we take (ATV riders). Look at the number of people who have gass guzzling boats and vehicles. ATVs are nothing compared to the bigger picture.

My .02. I'm sure I'm going to get a bashing now.