Guts tall soft seat foam?


New member
Hi guys,
I'm sick of the stock 07 seat. It's uncomfortable (I get monkey butt unless I grease up before riding) and a little too low for me. How's the Guts foam and cover?
I use a taller seat foam. Got it from these guys

Here's my seat after


God damn I need seat help ASAP! This was the first time I had a big issue with the seat but it was bad! Had a late number on a sandy course and got spanked by it for miles, really hurt my time. I'm on the list for an '08 seat but if that doesn't come soon I have to do something else as well. I sat on a friends KTM with a tall soft EE seat and it was softer than my truck!
I sat on a friends KTM with a tall soft EE seat and it was softer than my truck!

My old KTM had a EE tall soft seat and I absolutely loved it. The only thing I hate about my GG is this 2x4 seat. I have been debating about the Guts tall soft seat myself. I doubt it will be as comfortable as that EE seat... that was luxury. :D

I wonder if EE would make me a seat if I sent them my GG seat base???
My old KTM had a EE tall soft seat and I absolutely loved it. The only thing I hate about my GG is this 2x4 seat. I have been debating about the Guts tall soft seat myself. I doubt it will be as comfortable as that EE seat... that was luxury. :D

I wonder if EE would make me a seat if I sent them my GG seat base???

Tell them they'd get more than one order out of the deal! I'd be interested.
I took the initiative to contact Enduro Engineering. I emailed Alan Randt (owner of EE) inquiring about the GG seat opportunities. I'm interested in their tall soft setup. He said that I could ship my GG seat to him for review. He is not sure if their seat foam is adaptable but he is willing to try. :) The plan would be to reuse my seat base with their foam and seat cover.

The only downside for me is that I will be without a seat (and therefore a bike) until we figure this one out. :( However, I'm willing to make the effort for more products for us. I would like to know how many folks would purchase their seat. Depending upon the feedback, there may be leverage in case we run into stumbling blocks with fitment.

Wish us luck!

Before you do that, try to compare a GUTS tall soft. The KTM seat is quite a bit different in shape. The GUTS tall softs I sat on on older GGs felt pretty good. I just wonder how the '08 seat compares, but I suspect the rounder edges make a difference.
I love the Guts tall soft on my 07ec250 and I sit down a lot more than I stand up. Sometimes we ride 4-5 hours and I really like this seat. - Ken
I ride KTMs most of the time and the seat is a big reason why. The EE soft seat is amazing and I don't leave home without one mounted up. EE sells the soft foam (only) as well as the full seat for the KTM. The complete seat is much softer than just buying the foam. Here's why. If you compare the seat bases, the KTM (as well as my GG) bases are built with the plastic raised up in the middle about 1-2", which cuts down on the amount of foam that can be used. On the full EE seat, their base is totally flat and that allows for an additional inch (or more) of foam, even on the regular height seat. In addition the EE seat foam is wider at the top where you sit.

I just ordered the Guts Racing Soft Foam for my GG and put it on last night. I haven't ridden it, but it is narrow at the top (bad) and does not feel as soft as the EE foam. It's better than stock, but no where close to the EE seat. We need to get about 200 GG owners to commit to a full seat unit if EE will build one. The keys to a seat that will equal the KTM version EE sells are:

1) a different base that is flat, allowing for thicker foam;
2) wider foam at the top of the seat where you sit.

IMO, until these two issues are dealt with, we'll all have sore rear ends after a hard day of riding.
The EE seat on the 200 XCW I sat on was very soft, perhaps too soft. Softer than an old Honda XR. I don't need a couch, but not a railroad tie either. Does the EE foam hold up? No matter what you start with, they all break in (break down) a little. My '03 GG seat was nice but after a couple months I could feel the base, I actually went to stiffer foam. The '08 GG seat is wider and more round.

If I can't get the '08 seat I may try the GUTS tall soft, but round off the top a bit. I don't need the height, so I'd sacrifice around a half inch for a more rounded profile.
Some say the EE soft is too soft. Personally, I love it, but I'm 52 years old and I am not standing all day to ride. I think the narrow width is the biggest problem with the GG seats. If you could take a tall soft seat and cut it down about 1/2 to 3/4" and make it wider like an old XR seat, you'd probably have it.

Unfortunately, I have ruined a few seat foams trying to do that and I obviously don't know how to do it. I've read articles and followed their instructions, but it did not react the same (such as using sand paper to featheredge where the uncut and cut areas meet....good idea on wood, but not on soft foam that rips away in small chunks). The function is always fine, but when you put the seat cover on it looks bad.

As far as wearing out, I've never had a problem with any of my EE soft seats losing their original feel. It's a great product.
Is the EE seat similar to the XR seats? If so, I'll pass. I want a fairly firm seat, just taller and a better shape (more rounded than the 07 butt chaffer). The seat on my 01 EC200 is great.
You can get different height and firmness options with EE, but the reason most people choose their seat is the wide and soft seat option. Unfortunately, I think they only make seats for KTM.

The Guts Racing option might be a good "in between" option to meet your preferences on a GG, because their seats are not real soft or real wide. I have one on a YZ and it is much better than the stock 2x4.
I have access to all the liquid nitrogen I need to freeze a seat foam solid. Then it can be worked like wood with a sander, no ripping. I did this to a Cannondale seat, froze it and drilled a lot of holes to soften it slightly.
i would be interested in picking up an ee if they would make it, i agree 07=butt chafer, ive thrown a leg over a ktm with one, it was a short ride, but 10x better than my stock foam
only 199 more to go
Glenn, that's a great idea on working the seat foam. I have never heard of it before. Regarding drilling holes to soften a seat, I have not had very much luck with it either.

I am ready to try the Guts soft foam in the morning. I have it on a YZ and I have it on another KTM. If it will be as soft as those are, I can live with it. I'm concerned that there is not enough room for foam on the standard height option I bought to fit the GasGas seat base. I'll know tomorrow.

Happy Easter everyone (and welcome to spring)!

Reading through these posts, I really believe that you will love the 08 oem seat. I have borrowed both XR400 and XR600 from friends in the past, plus I owned a KLX450R for almost 2 months (which has a great seat). The oem 08 gg seat is close to the KLX's seat but racier. Also, I think it improved the overall placement of my body for the turns compared to the narrow and hard 07 seat.
I have my name on the list. The problem is that everyone wants one and not everyone will get one. If I am unlucky I need an alternative.
I took my GG out this weekend with the KTM and tried the new Guts Racing regular height soft seat foam. It is a huge improvement over the stock foam. It did not feel as narrow either, although it looks the same. I guess it's soft enough that you actually sink in about an inch and get to the wider part of the foam. Glenn, I think you will be pleased if you need to go with the Guts tall and cut it down.

I was very pleased ordering from GoFasters. As Arnold says....I'll be back!
If you could take a tall soft seat and cut it down about 1/2 to 3/4" and make it wider like an old XR seat, you'd probably have it.

I think these seats I have on my GG "triad" are Guts tall foam and that's exactly what I was thinking. I've never had any trouble cutting foam but if you don't use the right tools some crazy stuff happens fast...

Have you tried using an electric knife? That slicing action works well for removing large chunks in my experience .

For smoothing I use a carbide "burr" used for shaping wood in my little 2" air grinder. They make a similar "blade" for 4" angle grinders. Kinda "prickly" looking units. I imagine that a very coarse sanding disc on an angle grinder would work well too. Go to finer grits to control stock removal as you approach final shape. If you goof it up or if you want a different density in the top part of the seat you can easily just glue a chunk back on and reshape. Upholstery supply houses have large chunks of foam in whatever density you'd like.

I use these tools often for work and have a developed "eye" for shaping contours so I may have a skewed perspective, but I really don't think it's too tough if you go at it mindfully.