I suppose it could, but my local bike shop is very overpriced. Twinwalls are $160 new online. This is more for experimenting. I have a sneaking suspicion that my flexxbars are actually causing my carpal tunnel to flare up.
I had the 12 degree Flexx bars. My wrists were at a weird angle.
Went to the 10 degree bars. Way better.
The degree angle is stamped on the top of the bar, where the round tube is inserted.
My left hand used to fall asleep after 5 miles. Had the carpal tunnel surgery. No issues now.
Went ahead and got some ODI podium flight RC4 and some nice pro taper grips. What a difference, like night and day. No wrist pain and numbness anymore. Usually within 10 minutes I was hurting before, now my wrists are great even at an hour.