I Know its not off road but still 2 stroke porn

I would love to go to schleiz direck in the old east, and also Hořice in the czech republic road racing on normal roads cheap beer good food happy days but going to Schleiz or Hořice is more in costs to go see than moto gp in brno
(I've been twice here 2015/2014)
So I never road raced but my one mechanic that works for me maybe a nice guy and let me have his bike for a day . Great bike if you can ride like that ! Great bike if you cant .
I love that. My local shop has offered me a road racing sponsorship. Basically a bike and the stuff I'd need to race bit no profit. I was ready to accept until somebody had a motor lock up at 150 at the start/finish at VIR. Almost killed him.

I'll stick to dirt riding and street touring.

But I'd love to ride that thing.

RZ350 Kenny Roberts replica bike is on my bucket list
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I bet the power band is Raw,edgy, and downright dangerous but id love to ride that peice of engineering.

my bucket list would include kenny roberts 1976 TZ 750 flat tracker.....should be a laugh with no brakes :D
I'm sure it makes a bunch of power but in a narrow band. I'm sure it hits pretty hard, but they never come out of the band so I shouldn't matter that much.

Ever ride a banshee? With no power valve they hit hard. But put a rz350 cylinder on one with the pv and smooths is out a bunch