Jebel Ali Turn Track


New member
Slight thread-jack...but that reply begs some pictures and a ride report posted in the correct sub-forum :cool:

Ok as requested :-)

I've only had my bike a couple of weeks. It's my first dirt bike and I'm on a super steep learning curve. Up till now my three rides have been out in the dunes between Al Awir and Fossil Rock

My friend Jimmy invited me to ride with him and mates yesterday. They were going to the Jebel Ali turn track. Jimmy was determined I was going to learn to turn and I'm keen to be as good a rider as I can be but friends warned me to be careful which instilled a sense of trepidation!

The turn track is just by the side of the road on the right just before the roundabout that leads you to DMX club. It's. Not particularly obvious to my untrained eyes but fortunately Jimmy and Hussaini were already there so I could see their parked trucks.

The turn track consists of lots of MX style sandy turns. I have no idea how many are in the circuit, too many for me to count!!

I watched J & H fire up their bikes and go for a lap. This meant I knew where some of the track went at least. I fired up my bike and went for a look see.

I'd prepared the evening before by watching a few YouTube videos on turning. This helped a bit.

First thing I found out is gawd damn it's difficult. Second it's gawd damn hard work!!

With ever meter I was learning lots. There was a series of terrain changes in the track and many of them I had not ridden before.

After a lap and a half I was knackerd and I'd picked my bike up at least once. This was the first time I'd had to pick my bike up. That's hard work too!!

I went back to the truck to lick my wounded ego and drink some much needed water (summer has arrived here and it's in the low 30's from theta me the clock strikes 8. It's tipping over 40 most days now.

Jimmy then offered to show me the line the track currently takes and gave me some top tips and handy hints.

Stand uphill the way into the corner, sit down (well forward on the seat) at the apex and ease on the gas at the same time to bring the bike around, gas it and stand up again.

When I got it right it felt smooth and awesome. There were plenty of things that happened if I didn't get it right. Many times I ran wide, many times I over turned, I fell off plenty as the front wheel folded under me.

It was great fun and I could feel myself learning loads. My throttle control improved with every corner, my ability to balance the bike with the throttle improved with every corner. My ability to pick the bike up improved with every time I stuck my head in the sand apart from when I was absolutely knackerd!!

Definitely planning on making this a regular occurrence. It will massively improve both my technique and riding fitness

Here is a quick video by Jimmy taken at the JA turn track

Here is my bike and truck parked at the turn track :-/


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That looks like a ton of work and a ton of fun :cool:

In that terrain, how do you find landmarks or things to help with reference points?

Cool video too, you should take picture of your air filter (and air box) after the ride; I bet it's chocked full of sand?

Thanks for posting iggs; hoping to get a ride report up from where we went Saturday. It couldn't have been different - rained the entire time we were out on the