jetting/idle question


New member
I'm still trying to fine tune the jetting on an 05 ec200. The areas we ride in can be fairly technical with a lot of climbs and downhills (like a km or so of snotty rocks and ruts) so you can be idling for a while.
I'm currently running a 35 pilot, 2.5 out airscrew, #5 slide 165 main, and JD red needle on the last (top) notch.
The bike seemed to be running sweet, but i went for a ride this morning and after a particularly long and nasty downhill section it fouled a plug. I'm used to running my idle fairly high as I race a vintage 125 in mx and it helps with corner exits, if I do the same on the gasser am I basically overriding the pilot by lifting the slide too high?
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Where we ended up, pretty ugly part of the world :D

JD red is similar to a W diameter. Next step richer on diameter would be H diameter (NxxH), leaner would be J diameter (NxxJ).
What part of the world are you in?
What carb is in the bike?
Those are already pretty lean settings for a 200, well they would be in my part of the world (Australia).
You are correct that lifting the slide up too high to force it to idle will result in you essentially bypassing the straight section (diameter section) of the needle. Set your idle as Jakobi describes in the link you found.
A JD needle delivers fuel similar to a Suzuki NExx needle if you want to try different needles I'd recommend the NEC series and either a H or J diameter depending on what you need.
Thanks mate, I'm in Brissy, that pic was taken in the Mt Mee National Park.

I might leave the jetting as is for the time being and adjust the idle back lower again. Otherwise I'll give an NECH a go.

What's that glossy stuff near your tyres? looks like water, but I didn't think you got that stuff enough to throw over the ground;)

I had an LTR needle in my old 200 & I don't think I ever fouled a plug, they died of old age gradually after about a year or so.