kickstart question


New member
hello all, I think I know the answer but I just want to check!

My kick starter is starting to struggle, it seems to struggle to engage when kicking and then also doesn't return everytime.

Is this two separate issues my main question is can the return spring have any affect on the engaging of the kickstarter or does it literally only do the return of the lever? I was told I just need to get a new spring but from what I read do I actually need to be looking to check the ratchet bits or the other spring need replacing? I guess the answer is going to be take it all apart and have a look but I just wondered if the return spring can have affect on how it actually starts? also Ive never been in the engine so do I have to remove the clutch to get to the kickstart gear or can it be removed with the clutch basket still in place (please say yes!)
Just have a few drinks, you'll get over any apprehension.

Do drain the water out first though. Oil while you're about it.