Meanwhile, in the western NC mtns...

broken rider

New member
Yesterday, a bud and I got together to try and go up into whats a locals play ground for offroad. Basically about the only area thats survived the forest service closing it down, like the very nearby Tellico RV area(we're just over the state line in NC). Theres private land, plus Indian res lands there.

Anyways, no signs or anything. Just gotta know where the chit goes. We met at the end of the pavement down low at 2200' altitude. I trucked my 05 Gasser 450. He rode over from the old Tellico RV area where he grew up riding at.

After trying to go up one way thats was supposed to be the easier way to the top, we were soon stopped by a huge deadfall. So we went to plan B, and went up (we planned to come down it instead) whats considered the toughest in the area, by the locals. Called Squally Creek. Onward. This ain't so tough..

As we climbed, it quickly deteriorated into a steep wet slick rocky techy climb. One where if you stopped, you instantly was stuck. Can't forget we're in the mtns and its barely March. Everything's wet, frozen (slick arse freeze thaw up higher), boulders, with water flowing down the old road bed in many places. This was one of the few tamer areas where we could stop for break.Hard to get pics of the hard stuff, since we're too busy not-crashing.

Same spot as above pic. Looking back down from where we came.

One spot, as my bike was seemingly hopelessly stuck between 2 mud-slick boulders..the chain was hitting one of the rocks, and thru my chain(as the bike was still wedged). Luckily, we managed to roll the bike backward and got the chain back on(I had no axle tools). This is from just above spot, as Wayne came hiking back down, from Scouting the next section. We're not quite sure exactly where we are. Altho his GPS said were at the NC/Tenn line, below the Cherohala skyway.

At the top of Squally, theres an area the locals call the "play ground", which is where the old road became impassable yrs ago, and now one has to bushwack up the mtn via any number of hopeless steep slick routes. We almost didn't make it up this. My bike has showroom gearing, plus its 1st gear is "MX tall"-ish, so it was a handful. We're fighting my bike atm.. Thats an old dog box in the middle of pic. I dunno..

Were getting up there.. But its also getting later in the day. We packed for the possibility of getting lost. Food, water and filter, lightweight tarp, fire, flash lights, extra layers, para cord, etc. Cause ya never know...

Onward tho! This is STFU the fall-line. Momentum was the only way. All the while trying not to pinch flat, overheat, stall, fall, fry a clutch whatever.
This is all slick arse mud. That was hard to walk up, leave alone ride up. Momentum...

More to come..
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Looking down where we just came up.

Told by a local, when you see some buried car tires, your at the top of Squally. At least we knew then, we were on the right track.

Not out yet tho. Wayne up on upper left, scouting that big arse rock.

finally, at 5300', we came out here behind this cabin. Thank you Jesus!

We had to ride around a forest service gate at the top at 5500', and then back down the Skyway. 55 miles, 5.5hrs, 3300' of climbing. Great ride with some doubt along the way that we'd make it out. The end.
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Great ride report BR. You gotta funny way of doing post injury PT :D

You'll be hell when you're well!!

I rode that, (we came out on the Skyway up near the Tn/NC line, so I assume it was the same trail), last fall on my Orange 450. It was a handful. I'm looking forward to trying it this year on my XC 200.

Thanks for the post. I'm looking forward to getting back to that area.

I love tellico. Used to ride my jeep up there. Is that the old OHV? Looks like "upper 2"

No, but its relatively close as the crow flies. Basically on the other side of the mtn and on the NC side. This is where you come out past those 2-3 cabins at the top and near the Skyway..

Great ride report BR. You gotta funny way of doing post injury PT :D

You'll be hell when you're well!!

I rode that, (we came out on the Skyway up near the Tn/NC line, so I assume it was the same trail), last fall on my Orange 450. It was a handful. I'm looking forward to trying it this year on my XC 200.

Thanks for the post. I'm looking forward to getting back to that area.


Gotta be the same route. No other way up there to the state line that I know of. You come out about 1/2 mile from it (again, as the crow flies), being next to the Hooper bald parking lot.

And thanks. My PT will be taking literally yrs, and will always have some issues..but I'm blessed to just still be able to ride. I was also trying not to get hurt:p..I've got bad knees from my MX days in the 70s and 80s. No ACL in one of them right now.

I try to hike, or mtb daily(or at least ride the trainer), and I was working damn hard (I had to focus on breathing and riding efficiently, as my heart rate was way up there). keeping the bike up and going thru those long wet slick moss-covered rock gardens. The bike did awesome tho, sans the slightly tall-ish first gear in the really slow stuff.

I do think I might need to slow it down some.. altho I've been "riding" (I've been race'n xc mtbs since 02 until my injuries, and still been riding the supermoto) up till now...But before getting this bike, I haven't been on a good dedicated dirt bike in 25+yrs. So I know I'm pretty rusty.
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Today I rode another area only 20 minutes from the house. A huge wilderness area, with a 27 mile long dirt road cutting thru it, and up and over a 4000' ridge line toward the next town. Covered up with countless old jeep trails, cabins, seasonal deer camps, log'n operations, privater land, Indian res lands, forest service, etc. Some 4x4 stuff go'n a long ways and connecting to other back country areas.

Some pics of today as I explored the area for about 4 hours.

Been mtbing as well as riding the motard in here. Even after today, I've only scratched the surface for whats here. The 450 felt good, being able to let it stretch its legs a little.

I've got a couple guys that live near me in NC , both good riders, who are into the backcountry dual sport stuff. We need to hook up with you, I think you'll be able to show us stuff that we haven't found yet.

Great pics and write-up broken, so cool to see the scenery from that neck of the woods :cool::cool:

Pretty sweet to roll up to the top of that climb and find those cabins, as well as make it past the terrain required to get there.
That area around Tellico was one of my favorite places to take my Jeep. So sad the OHV trails were closed. School Bus, Lower 2, Guardrail... ah memories.

This area looks great. Is there a map or anything to help someone from the NC Triangle area get here and navigate?
That area around Tellico was one of my favorite places to take my Jeep. So sad the OHV trails were closed. School Bus, Lower 2, Guardrail... ah memories.

This area looks great. Is there a map or anything to help someone from the NC Triangle area get here and navigate?

Unfortunately, theres no map of this area. I've been looking online for info, and all I find is fly fishing links for this watershed.

Last weekend, I went up in there again. But found a diff easier route. Called Huffman Creek rd(dirt rd at first. but degrads down to a 4x4 rd, then turns into a 4 wheeler trail) It deadends(at 4700') into a gravel access rd going to some cabins(rd is gated from the Skyway. but perfectly legal to ride. even talked to one of the cabin owners 2 yrs ago, when I stumbled up in there on my supermoto. very friendly guy thats a local here in town). Turn left, it goes down again somewhat while turning very steep, wet, and techy again, and comes into Squally about 3/4s of the way up it. Then turned left and went down Squally, for an approx 20 mile loop.

I also took time to scope out other turn offs. Talked to a group of locals that I came across up in there. They were a huge group(10-12) of 'Side by Side' AWD ATVs plus some bikes. Theres a wealth of other trail options up in there, that I didn't know about. That surprisingly go up and over the mtn, over to the back side of the old Tellico RV area.

These lands are intertwined with old family lands and indian res lands. So the forest service can't close it down. It IS very technical just about everywhere, once you get up in there. So its not for the novice rider.

Only pic from the last ride, after it was over. With a new friend on his 09 KTM 300. Hes from Maine(hes building a cabin next door to this area), and races B enduro and hare scrambles. He LOVED the area, being his first time up into it. We never touched pavement riding from his place.
Great ride report BR. You gotta funny way of doing post injury PT :D

You'll be hell when you're well!!

I rode that, (we came out on the Skyway up near the Tn/NC line, so I assume it was the same trail), last fall on my Orange 450. It was a handful. I'm looking forward to trying it this year on my XC 200.

Thanks for the post. I'm looking forward to getting back to that area.


Just rode this trail again two days ago on my orange EXC 450. It kicked my butt even worse than last year. Riding it the day after a heavy rain fall probably didn't help.

I haven't figured out how to get a legal tag on my XC 200 yet, but I definitely need it if I'm going to ride this trail again. Maybe I'll just borrow the tag off the orange bike.
