Mototec electric kids mx bike

Looks awfully tall, ad says seat height is 23". Any idea on price? If it is anywhere near the ~$750 price of Tao-Tao's 500w scooters, I'd be interested. Quality looks much better than the Razor brand e-bikes. I bought my 3 year old a JR50 and it fits him well, but the weight is a little overwhelming and we don't have anywhere nearby that he can ride it. It's hard to justify driving 30 minutes each way for him to ride for 5-10 minutes, with the electric one I'm sure we could get away with riding it at the park down the street. It does list the bike at 66lbs which is not a ton lighter than the JR, but might be enough for my boy to gain confidence. I'll be interested to hear what you find.
The prices range from $349-399 or more. It looks like the bikes are back ordered at most retailers till May 5th. They have a three stage power switch (Low-Med-Hi) for the younger riders. It sure looks well built. I'm looking for a entry level bike for my son to get his feet wet on. Maybe he should just bend up a Razor bike first.
I was looking at the MX350 Razor and then spotted the Mototec. I want something for him to learn the basics on before he hops on my Honda Z50R.
A fellow near to me buys truck loads of overstocked electric cars and motorcycles for resale. He sells the 12v dirtbikes for $175. Only problem is these have no training wheels (easy to find) and worse - no speed control. These run over 15mph so ability to limit the speed at 2-3mph is crucial for my 3 yr old grand daughter. Does anyone here know of something I could use?
Just a thought. Pw50's can be had cheap. No clutch or gears add training wheels and a rev limiter an you have a bike for the next four years and can sell it for what you paid

Just a thought