Mt Rosa - Single Track


New member
Here is the GPS tracks and Slide Show

Went out yesterday (Love riding during the week).

So this trail is part of the Captain Jacks trails which lay just outside Colorado Springs. All the trails that start at Town and come up have been closed due to an enviro group out of AZ that sued over a fish. Funny how the fish thrived with us for 60 years *shrug* We are still fighting, the latest has been a lawsuit filed by the TPA to close the trails down to the hikers also....hey they were built by us motorcyclist and if that fish is soooo endangered then it should be closed for all not just one group.

Anyways two trails remain but its a long way up to the start of them without those other trails. One is pretty easy, the other (first one I took) I had heard about it and its as I heard. Hard to tell from the pictures but they are all shot uphill. This trail is extreme and in no way a noob trail or an occasional rider trail. Best to be with someone (I know I broke that rule) also its so difficult I would say do not do a group ride on it, one person stops everyone would be F'ed). None stop boulders, ledges and switchbacks that have both. I won't lie I had to walk the bike up in spots (don't need to get hurt). Then you come to the top and have a GREAT view. From their its all downhill, no really...and its steep and switch back after switch back. I actually had the bike off for most off the downhill no need to let it get hot. A few spots I walked it down around a switch back (I'm not good at the tight right ones but no issue with lefts).

So once I came out I hit FR381, so I went and explored that. Lots of trails back in there. They were some seriously steep Jeep roads, in fact its where I went down twice as front end washed out in the loose decomposing granite.

After a bit I decided to go to the other single track that will take me back to my vehicle called 626. I took a picture of the sign because I noticed some a$$hat covered up the Motorcycle insignia on the FS sign. If you did not know the area you would think maybe it was not for this trail I had been on many times. So I take it back and then take another picture of the sign on that end that clearly shows the motorcyclist. Makes me want to go back and remove the hiker and horseback emblems.....LOL Why do these groups come to single track made by motorcyclist and try and claim it as theirs!!!

From there I figured I go checkout the Jeep road that goes to the West. Been many times and there is a nutty steep section straight down (I have yet to make it back up and this time was no exception). I only been up it in the Jeep in 4-low with electronic lockers. It's not really the steepness its the 2 foot deep of decomposing granite that just STOPS you. However it takes you down to a graded road (other way out) and a FR called Water Line Rd that goes West. I never have been to the official end on the big bike (XR650R), but it too is a very difficult Jeep road. Lots of huge builders and further West its all downhill (got to come out the way you go in). I got to say its well worth it, the views were great. It actually looks like it went through at one time, but down below is a very nice house so I'm guessing private property nowadays.

From there I went back to that graded road and took it back to FR379 where I started and loaded the bike up and drove home. It was a very good day, today I'm sore but alive...LOL
Great slide show! I especially dig the photos of trail sections that look more like an old quarry than trail. I love picking my way through boulder fields(most of my friends, do not). Thanks for sharing:D