Mud Mucker Gncc videos

Bike Death

I know this must be good for spectators but that's awful to put the course through a bike destroying hole of water like that.
Here is some video I took off the nasty mud hole during the pro race. Edit: fixed, sorry bout that.

Why weren't you out there rockin' the 200 on that course :D

I liked the guy that wheelied into it and popped out the other side like it was nothing; seems to be a bit like hill climbing...just get on the gas and

Have you seen any footage from the Erzberg race last year? Talk about crazy water crossing - nothing like starting in a "lake".

Looks like a good time :cool:
Lol I respect my Gasser to much to do that to it, at least while it's still really new anyways, in another year out so, well may have to put it through its paces. Yea, it rained a lot in the area the week leading to the race, whole area was wet, wasn't much they could do about the course, but it was fun to watch lol.
FL is so overrated. Sinkholes, swamps, palmettos and endless whoops are the only variations to flatness. Yuck!