Needle recommendations 14 300


New member
Hey, thanks in advance for any help.
I have dug through this section, there's alot of info and different setups... it can be a little overwhelming to base a decision on. I've spent a fair bit of time tuning PWK's on other bikes, but completely new to the Gasgas world.
Sounds like the Suzuki NEDH, J and W are popular for smooth power, but elevations are a big variable in here so I wanted to double check.

2014 XC300R brand new and completely stock
Elevation: 2500 to 7000 feet... mostly around 4000'
Temps: average of 20c / 68f

I'll spend most of my time in the low to mid rpm range, looking for smooth / linear delivery with strong low rpm lugging. Thoughts?

Still 2-3 months til the snow is gone, and I can ride so did a little wrenching on my new bike today.
I removed the airbox to seal up the seams with silicone, and removed the carb to do some initial jetting setup.

No surprises in the brass, owners manual spec was installed (no dealer setup) but the air screw was 2.75 turns out which I thought was odd.
I set the float @ 7.5mm, and installed my best guess at a safe starting point for my elevation and temperature:

4000 - 8000 feet
15-20 celsius
original needle clip #2
38 pilot
Air screw 1.5 out
170 main

The idle screw was very tight in the threads, in fact it broke when I tried to remove it. Luckily I have lots of PWK parts, and replaced it. All good now :cool:

I'll likely order a few needles to try... Suzuki NEDJ and NEDK unless someone has thoughts on another needle that might work better at my elevation. Seems most of you are close to sea level, so there may be a difference there. I also have a selections of slides I can mess with down the road.

Can't wait to ride! I'll share my results once I get some testing done in April / May and hopefully it may one day help another high elevation gasser.