No Yel/Blu wire effect.


New member
After reading thru this section on EFI and the posts re. the Yel/Blu wire I experimented by connecting and disconnecting the wire to ground as specified in the posts. No effect whatsoever.
So, I was wondering is there something else I'm missing? Should the Effect be noticeable?

I put 80 street miles on the bike to check it and averaged 40 mpg so I assume the race mode is inactive.

I tryed this one time, on my 2007 450, and I felt a huge difference. I have the blue/yellow unplugged allways but when it was plugged in it felt like the bike couldnt rev as higt and I also thought the bike was more difficult to handle og low rpm..

It was your experiences and the posts that followed that got me started on my EFI. I examined your schematic then went out to my bike and found the Yel/Blu wire. I bought my bike used so I found that the wire was already disconnected. As I mentioned above, when I connected it nothing different happened. It ran the same so I still don't know what mode its in.

If it's locked in the race mode, well that's fine. If it's in the more refined gas saving mode, well thats not good at all.

So far, I still don't know. The dealer that initially sold the bike no longer sells GGs but he still owns one so sometime next month I will ride down to see him.

If it's already in the race mode, It's my opinion that I would be just as well served fitting a 39 mm FCR to it (if there is enough room ). Than spending $600+ dollars for a new control box.

Right now I'm working on the gearing and setting it up for Supermoto, but after that's done, and after I've fitted my Titanium DRZ exhaust to it, I'm sure I'll back working on the injection system.


thanks for the post.
Yesterday, I connected the yel/blu wire thru a switch that I mounted just below the seat. Not in the way of riding but still accessible when riding. Thought later today, I would keep switching back and fort while I was riding to see if I could get a difference.

There is nothing in my manual about the different modes, but I was wondering, if this something you can use the switch on while the motor is running or do you have to have the motor off to switch the mode? On my 04 there was no switch just a 6" wire coming out of the wire bundle with a round fastener for grounding it to the control case. My understanding is grounding is the slow mode and open the hot mode.

As I mentioned previously, except for the top end, it runs much faster than my DRZ. It definitely feels more like my neighbors 450 KTM except faster.
So, if it's stuck in the hot mode, that's okay.

Today I went out to see if I could tell if the Sw. to the Yel/blu to ground that I connected yesterday really had any effect on my bike.

It does. And, in answer to my other question, can you switch back and forth while your riding....Yes you can.

The differences are really not what I was expecting, and that would explain why I thought it wasn't working.

What I noticed from switching back and fort is that with the Yel/blu shorted to ground and at less than 1/2 throttle, switching to the open mode Sunny)will increase rpms by enough so you can notice it. Also while in the shorted (rain) mode at less than 1/2 throttle an increase in throttle will cause a detonation rattle and there is a lag in throttle increase and acceleration. In the other mode, acceleration is instantaneous and there is no pre ignition rattle.

Once past 1/2 throttle and accelerating, I could see no difference between the 2 modes. Each gear would wind the same and the top speed was the same. I had always tested this on a county back road, but now that I know what to expect, I can see how the shorted(rain) mode would really make a big difference in technical off road stuff.


Help please, because...
Now I am really confused. Awhile back I downloaded the Post from Sanderjavant from 3-08 and your comments to him. re the wires. The included schematic showing the EFI control box seemed to indicate that the Yel/blu wire was either disconnected or shorted to ground. My 2004 FSE did not come with the connectors that were shown in his photo. It came with an round eyelet connector at the end of the Yel/blu wire. So it seemed natural that it could only be grounded.

So, What should I connect the Yel/blu wire to?

Yesterday, I did put 80 miles of aggressive canyon riding on the bike and the one thing I did notice was that the mpg was worse than with it disconnected.

After yesterdays ride, I do agree, connecting the Yel/blu wire to ground is not a good thing to do.


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