Oil Change Question

Why Z?

New member
Going to do my first oil change tonight. Bike is 2007 FSR 450

Drained the oil last night but was unsure of something in the manual.

Where there was a picture of the oil filter taken out, it had a diagram pointing to the filter and the "Seal".

It said "check the seal" and then "replace both "elements" at the same time."
So... my questions:

-Do I have to have more than just the repalcement oil filter? (more parts? OR is this "seal" included in the new filter thingy?
-What happens if I don't "replace the seal"?
-How do I tell if the Seal is good or bad?


Lastly, how do I make sure I don't put in backwards? I have heard people doing this and it is disastrous....what's the key here, I hope its obvious?
the seal is just the rubber gasket around the oil filter cover - it should be ok, just check it for any cracking or twisting.

Put the filter back in the same way it came out - pretty sure the black rubber grommet goes to the outside of the bike from memory.