"old" newbie


New member
I've been training enduro for 1 1/2 year now. No earlier offroad hobbies. One thing I've learned is that when I think that I've learned something and get some more speed to my riding the next thing is crash and pain.

Yesterdays enduro training I hitted tree (sore forearm) and today in motocross track I jumped one time too long and got out of track - and crashed (sore ribs). Ok, maybe It's because some I***t has made curve just after that jump :rolleyes:

Am I just stupid or whats wrong? :)
Just sounds like your on a learning curve is all..

Shouldnt think anything is wrong, just try to lern to read tracks abit better, maybe have a number of slow laps to learn the track before going for it.
One thing that helped me was to follow riders who are slightly faster than me, and copy their lines and what they do, try talk to them about things they do aswell. If possible get some lessons from a very competent rider, pay for them if theres someone doing training days.
Otherwise you may find you get to a point where you cant teach yourself how to go quicker without pushing harder, and this normally means learning the painful way. But having someone tell you what your doing right and wrong is the best money you can spend on your riding in my opinion
I think my learning has always been painful. At school, work ... :)
Maybe it' just my way of learning.

I had few weeks ago Samuli Aro as coach and I think learned something.

Next saturday I'm participating training day where Finnish Sixday's riders are coaching. Hope to learn something more :D
Or maybe you have a way that you ride, you go to the lesson learn something better, then revert back to your old ways because you havent had enough time with the teacher to have a habit of doing it properly. If that makes sense.
So maybe you could video what there showing you, or write it down ( yea I know, taking notes sucks...) thats something I wish I did when I had rider coaching, just so I could always refer back to the notes and what I should be doing.
Or maybe you have a way that you ride, you go to the lesson learn something better, then revert back to your old ways because you havent had enough time with the teacher to have a habit of doing it properly. If that makes sense.
So maybe you could video what there showing you, or write it down ( yea I know, taking notes sucks...) thats something I wish I did when I had rider coaching, just so I could always refer back to the notes and what I should be doing.

I'll try that.
I too agree with coaching, riding lessons. I have rode for many years and just a couple months ago took a clinic with Shane Watts. I learned alot, also crashed more that weekend pushing my limits and having my bad habbits pointed out. after practicing what I learned my ability definitly took some leaps. He (shane watts)also has a training video that is good.
I had spent a fair amount of money getting the bike set up for my weight and riding style which also helped alot.