Ordering '21 GAS GAS Owner Manuals


New member
Got my manual in the mail today straight from Austria. For those that would like a hard copy go ahead and go to the GAS GAS web site, scroll all the way down to service and click on Owner Manual, scroll down to the Print On Demand Portal, on the right put in your bike info, a bunch in different languages, pick your language, click Printed then BUY, you'll see the prices in Euros click NEXT, log in or make an account, your name, etc. will show and under that is Dealer Search (change the KM if your dealer doesn't show up by hi-lighting it) when you find your dealer click select then next, double check invoice info them click next, double check Deliver Type and click next, you'll see your item and it's still in Euros (check Terms & Cond.) and click Buy Now, I clicked on credit card , it'll bring up a Pay Pal type box, scroll all the way down and on the right you'll see a drop down menu change it to English (the top drop down has nothing for English or USA), then you can change Country/Region at the top of the credit card info box to United States, once you click Pay Now there will be a conversion chart from Euro to U.S. Dollar (mine converted to $43.64). My manual arrived to my home exactly 14 days from the day I ordered it. And it is in English (I was sweatin it there for a couple as the package was all in German). Hope this helps anyone who wants a hard copy.

I remember reading somewhere that Covid has disrupted manual printing, etc.
and that they were in short supply.
glad you were able to get one.