Oregon Coast Snow Ride


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Decided to head up to Diamond Mill with the hope of getting in a good rip before more snow fell in the coast range and put the kaibosh on any riding until the spring melt. Had one other nutball throw their name in the hat, so we met at Coleman's for a bite to eat before heading west.

Arrived at the Mill and found a decent layer of snow in the staging area. Looking up into the trees revealed more snow, but it didn't look too deep to pass. This brief glimpse of hope was short lived...lol.



We headed out on Mike's with the intent of connecting to the new section of Odin's Ridge. Mike's was easily passable, as was the first part of Odin's. However, as soon as we started climbing we found deeper snow that made getting up/though an exercise in futility. We tucked tail and headed back down Odin's to Mike's.

Figuring we might have more luck if we headed toward Cedar Creek, we took Jones up and found just as much now - but it was easier to push through. We slipped and slid our way to Cedar Creek, then enjoyed that down toward Cedar Creek staging.




We briefly considered heading up Deer Fence, but decided rocks hidden under snow probably wouldn't be the most fun...lol. Rather than throwing in the towel, we pressed on and decided to check out the Special Test section. All was going well until we hit the small creek crossing. Seems all that glorious rain and liquid sunshine has turned what used to be a small gap into a rather deep channel :o We hauled one bike across after throwing in a bunch of logs/sticks and then I launched the GG so we didn't have to man-handle a 2nd bike across. Made it the rest of the way without issue and foolishly though we could have luck heading up Old Cedar Creek.



We made it to the first creek crossing of Old Cedar Creek and found the running water had moved some rocks around (lol). Stumbled across that and made it another 50 yards before coming to the conclusion that going any higher in elevation would likely result in some sort of news-related rescue operation...lol.

Admitting defeat, we hit the logging road and bombed back toward the Mill. We did get to enjoy Mike's the other direction, though there was another nutter out and he happened to be heading the opposite direction we were. Close call on that one - good thing both riders had their heads up.

I have some video, need to sift through, edit, and then post.

Can't wait for the spring melt now :D
Better u than I! Snow sucks on bikes, unless light, dry and shallow...

Yeah but light dry and shallow is great fun!
Except when rain freezes into an icy crust...lethal
That said we only get snow here a couple times a winter and its usually <6"

Looks like you had a lot of fun trying tho liv2day