Placement of Throttle Cable


New member
Has anyone else had a problem with burning the throttle cable? I noticed when I purchased my fse400 that the cable was burnt and it got worse after taking it out on the first ride. It was running horizontally out from the throttle body and then between the radiator and the frame. This made it run very close to the pipe where it was coming out of the head. I am getting a new cable and don't want to make the same mistake. It could cause serious problems and strand me out in the bush.

I can't tell you how glad I am to hear of a problem my '05 FSE doesn't have! Mine won't melt the throttle cable, to do that it would have to start (kick or electric) and then stay running (just "shuts off" now and then). Haven't dared take it more than 1/2 mile from home (couldn't push it back from any further), now it's warm enough that I don't want to push it at all so it will probably continue to gather dust until fall. I sure wish there was a dealer within a few hours ride who knew anything about them.

I can't tell you how glad I am to hear of a problem my '05 FSE doesn't have! Mine won't melt the throttle cable, to do that it would have to start (kick or electric) and then stay running (just "shuts off" now and then). Haven't dared take it more than 1/2 mile from home (couldn't push it back from any further), now it's warm enough that I don't want to push it at all so it will probably continue to gather dust until fall. I sure wish there was a dealer within a few hours ride who knew anything about them.


Sorry to hear about your problems. What have you done to try to fix it?
found out that it had the wrong cable on it. It was replaced by the dealer and I hope to get out and test it soon if the freaking rain here in TX would stop for a day or two...
Sorry to hear about your problems. What have you done to try to fix it?

The usual, Iridium plug, clean and dielectric grease every connection I can find, new battery. Friday it started but died after 150 yards, hadn't been on life support (battery tender) for a couple weeks so it wouldn't turn over any more. After charging it turns over but I don't hear the fuel pump or have any lights so probably one of the relays needs attention. It's actually pretty common for it to just "flame out" while riding usually restarts, maybe this time it will stay broken long enough to find the problem but it's becoming less and less likely that I'll ever trust it enough to actually try to go anywhere on it.

Fire escape,most likely the relay is bad. I cant recall the NAPA # we use but will find it or you could search on here as its been talked about before.
Make sure the wiring harness under the lowest part of the tank is seated properly. If it's not "snapped" into place it can vibrate loose, causing your bike to run erratically.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

I picked up the NAPA relays this morning, expected to have to modify some wiring but they are a PERFECT fit and the bike fired right up AND kept running. Even got out for a short ride and got partly burried, only up to the swing arm, on a friends farm road. Had to lay the bike pretty much on it's side to work it out of the sand, silt, clay (leftover from a flood this past spring), would have been kicking over my Kawi for a while after that, the FI didn't flood, started right back up! The only down side is that last week I was ready to trade it for an "adventure" bike, now I'll have to find room to add the new bike. Thanks again!

Great news Bruce. I was just saying that it was sad that you couldn't get that thing running.
great news bruce,but I was kind of hoping for a great deal on an 05 fse450 needing a little TLC :D
Back when I had a Cannondale, the mysterious "shut off" syndrome could be usually be traced back to the main system relay. Its an electro/mechanical device and affected by vibration. ECUs are very sensitive devices and clean power is a must. I replaced it with a solid state relay (SSR) and had no problems. I also added another to drive the fuel pump rather than use the integrated driver in the ECU (that would fail occasionally). It took a little reengineering but it was worth it in the long run as the bike was bulletproof afterwards. I'm not familiar with the FSE but I would think that there is a similar main relay to switch power to the ECU.