Plastic in carb = stuck float


New member
I thought I should post this since I've read about so many people having issues with their carb's overflowing.

My 2011 250 Race has about 8-9 hours on it, and until the last ride never drooled gas out of the overflow. On the last ride it had gas pouring out even when it was barely tipped to the side, nearly straight up and down. I tapped on the carb bowl a few times to unstick the float, but that didn't work.

Later I took the carb off, and upon inspection found three little thin strips of plastic in the float seat. It looks like it could be shavings from the gas tank. I haven't put the carb back on yet, but I'm betting that fixed it. The float appeared to be set correctly from the factory, so I didn't make any adjustments to it.
One of my new bike prep tasks has always been the flush and dump the tank a couple of times and install a filter. ALWAYS find the plastic shards.
One of my new bike prep tasks has always been the flush and dump the tank a couple of times and install a filter. ALWAYS find the plastic shards.

I've flushed out an aftermarket tank before, but I've never had to do it to a new bike. I should probably do it to be on the safe side now that I know there is a potential problem.
I finally got around to rinsing my tank out. I couldn't see any shards floating around in there, but when I pulled the petcock out to take a look it had a lot of plastic resting on the little filter/screen at the bottom. I'm glad I checked the petcock. I'm going to run another tank or two of gas through it and check it again. I also installed an inline filter before the last ride, but I would like to take it off because I've read about some of them breaking over time. If it looks all clear the next time I check it I may remove the inline filter.
I finally got around to rinsing my tank out. I couldn't see any shards floating around in there, but when I pulled the petcock out to take a look it had a lot of plastic resting on the little filter/screen at the bottom. I'm glad I checked the petcock. I'm going to run another tank or two of gas through it and check it again. I also installed an inline filter before the last ride, but I would like to take it off because I've read about some of them breaking over time. If it looks all clear the next time I check it I may remove the inline filter.

Never had a Visu-Filter fail. The 90 degree bend unit is perfect for the low petcock found on GasGas'.
I've had two of the straight ones bend over time, from fuel line tension and likely fuel additives (ethanol?). 90 deg part is a lot better.