power valve 2006 on 2013 cylinder


New member
has somebody used a the power valve system from 2006 on the 2013.
i bought a athena cylinder for 2013-2015 and thought that it was possible to put in the 2006 powervalve. but now i see that its not possible because it doesnt open all the was and hits the cover when its fully opened.

i thinking of make an spacer so the power valves can go out longer and cut a little where the axis goes so the powervalves is able to open all the way

somebody done this?
No, but you're about to become the expert on this.

Look at parts diagram, you can find despice (part files) for different years.

To work the valve needs to be, at least closeish, to the piston .
I have ground the old power valve flapper to get rid of the bump and allow for more flow. The old valve flapper and pivot are very similar and I think the same as 1994-1996 Honda CR250.


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