Power Valve Spacer


New member

I have a power valve spacer installed on my EC300 (07). It came from the dealer with it installed. If I were to remove the spacer, would I have to make any jetting changes?

You should not need to re-jet.
On the 300 the spacer does not make much difference, whereas on the 200 it is essential.

I always replace gaskets just because but if you are carefull not to rip or tear it you could throw on some sealer and probably get away with it.
I would be interested in buying that spacer
from you, for the right price, if you were
in the U.S. Anyone seen one of these or know
of one for sale in the U.S.?
I know about the LTR item. Kind of spendy for
me at the moment though.
Thanks, Jeff
I would be interested in buying that spacer
from you, for the right price, if you were
in the U.S. Anyone seen one of these or know
of one for sale in the U.S.?
I know about the LTR item. Kind of spendy for
me at the moment though.
Thanks, Jeff
Why not make one yourself?, jigsaw and some aluminum or even better the stuff that they make circuit boards out of, gskt as a template, voila.
Thata how this one was made. The local dealer went to a machiene shop and they whipped up 20 for him.

He was retailing them at ZAR 300.00. Must have cost him R50.00 to make. thats like $5.00! LOL!

For us to import the LTR would cost like R6 - 700 +
Is it just the outline of the gasket or is it different?
Also, how deep is it ?.....lokks about 20mm?
Cheers mark
WideBear. Yes that would be an option. I suppose I could (hack) one
out of a chunk of Alu with a scroll / Jig saw. I know I could not do a
sweet looking of a job as a real machined piece, but, I guess it would
work. Like you said. I could use some other material that would be
easier to cut. Like fiberglass or a dense plastic.
Ya got me thinking. I could use several pieces of different thickness
and tune to suit. I'd just need several gaskets to sandwitch between
the pieces....hmmmm.
Back to the drawing board.
Thanks, Jeff
Thanks for the photos but would be handy to know the thickness for a 300.
Will try making my own once I know how wide they are meant to be.
Cheers Mark
If you can draw the profile in a CAD program, anyone with a Waterjet can cut the aluminum easily in your preferred thickness.

Ok, so I take it the thickness is not important then?
How wide can you go before it effects the bike adversly?
Cheers Mark
Same thing I was thinking. What effect does the thickness
have on chamber volume and power output? My thought was
to make spacers and stack them up with gaskets between
them. You could start with maybe 1/4-1/2 inch and see when
and where the power or torque changes.
Someone, maybe LTR or GG, has already experimented with this and
ended up with the thickness they sell as being the optimum.
The change may be so slight as not to be even worth the effort.
I'll file this away as a future project to get to after all the other
foolish projects I have in mind get done.
Cheers, Jeff So. Cal.
Wence wrote:
Ok, so I take it the thickness is not important then?
How wide can you go before it effects the bike adversly?
Cheers Mark
Dingo measured his spacer and found it to be 20mm.
Found info on another thread...
Cheers Mark
I have one like yours. It's made by Perfex (it's me!) for $69.95, part number 1198-GE25. It's 3/4" thick, and it makes a very good diference. Much more torque at low RPM. In the very technical trail, you can ride so slow you can feel each explosions in the cylinder. You don't need to change the jetting.