Pre-2006 2 strokes do your rad panels fit


New member
Do your rad panels fit? Mine dont - if the tank screws and bottom screw are tight then the top push in locator/peg is pulled out the radiator grommet.
When my '00 and '03 were stock they fit fine. The pin doesn't go in perfectly straight but they did fit. Thats a joke anyway, first branch you snag rips the top of the shroud out, and liklely bends the tab on the radiator. If the rads are tweaked don't blame the plastic. Get guards and at the very least cable tie the top of the shrouds to the guards. I cut the pins off, run a GP upper brace with a rubber isolator(lower pipe mount) threaded in, and a screw through the top of the shroud into the other side of the isolator. All the mfgs. do it for simplicity, weight, and cost, but attaching a shroud directly to a radiator is a bad idea from a durability perspective. Ever see a rad get stretched out like an accordian from the shroud snagging?
Yeah mine are the same. On refitting the panels they top locator peg will sit in the grommet, but it only lasts one ride and they are right back out. I got over it a long time and just leave them as they are.
After the first year of Gasser ownership I stopped worrying. Most of the faults on these bikes just seem to irritate rather than stop them doing the job. MOT time is a nightmare though - getting all the electrics & speedo to work again. :( Wish they had KTM build quality though.