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Anybody use outerwears in stock foam filter?

I need to avoid water and mud in the intake of my GG300 wild, but I do not know the reference or cross reference.

Good rides
I am going to take a wild guess and say the wild uses the same airbox filter as the bikes. If so then anything that fits a CR250 will fit your set-up.
YES ! Filterskins or the Moose product that fits the CR250 2001.

Put the BelRay water resistant foam filter oil on the filterskin and you'll
help prevent water from passing. Also works very well in filtering out
fine silt. Your engine will live far longer. :)
I have some filter skins, I've only used them on a few occasions when it was really dusty. I like the water proof oil idea for wet rides ....
I use them allmost year round. I used to change my filter after nearly every ride. I then came to the realization that it is far more probable that I would knock a tiny piece of grit or dust into the airboot than one would get sucked though a well oiled filter. Using a filter skin I can get several rides even in the middle of summer out of one filter change.
I have them oiled up in a bag in my toolbox, ready to go on if the race is dusty. I wouldn't even consider using that quick pull off cord with the '07+ airbox/filter retention setup.:eek: