Rear Brake slop


New member
Has anyone come up with an elegant way to remove all the slop from the rear brake pedal? The sloted clevis drives me nuts with all its built in slop.
Rekluse LHRB:D :D

Seriously, I wonder if on of the available spiffy billet clevis pins with hardened inserts and stainless pin for a Kaw, Hon, Yam, Suz, might work, or could be made to work. Might be worth looking into. Lets find the best one and approach them to make a batch for the Gassers.
No auto clutch for me thanks. I have a hard time spending $30 for a little bit ofd metal, though I am sure it would be pretty.
I have a hard time spending $30 for a little bit ofd metal, though I am sure it would be pretty.

If it works that's what matters and $30 wouldn't be to bad. If it's pretty well that's just a bonus IMO.

I will look into it.