Rear number plate


New member
Hello everyone.
Firstly thanks for the info on how best to kick start my bike, it seems to be 3rd to 5th kick before it starts, so I think I am getting somewhere.
I have a question regarding registration plates on the back. My 280 TXT Pro 04 is registered for the road here in France, has anyone had any success with mounting a rear reg plate? Is there a mounting bracket to fit the bike that isn't too heavy? I borrowed a Chinese-made Led rear light and bracket from a mate but it seems too heavy and causes the mudguard to flex too much and I am worried it will crack at the front mounting bolts. A flexible wrap-around plate might be best but they seem difficult (impossible) to get here.
Perhaps the underside of the guard needs to be strengthened. I have the original rear light.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Neil.
If it was me I would just cable tie the plate to your back pack. Any reasonable cop would see that it is only on there for show.
Or maybe photocopy the number plate and laminate it so you can bolt that to the bike. It will weight next to nothing and not get damaged either.