Recruiting a new rider


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Aside from the obvious, one of the benefits if having a wife that rides is being able to haul her bike along if someone expresses an interest in trying "that dirt bike stuff"

We did our annual trek to Fossil, Oregon, last weekend and one of the guys going decided to skip the usual street ride and head to Morrow County OHV with me and another buddy. Although he has countless street miles, he's never been on a dirt bike before - ever. So, when he said he wouldn't mind checking it out, I threw both bikes in the back of my truck without thinking twice.

I'm not sure if we have another convert, but he did really damn good given the terrain and lack of experience. We didn't hit anything too tough, and I did have to ride the bike up a couple of rocky climbs. However, he was grinning at the end of the ride. Pretty wiped too - which was funny in and of itself as he asked how many miles we'd do and I told him I'd take it easy and only hit 30-35 - at which point he scoffed letting me know he just finished a 50-mile mt bike ride without any problems. Little did he know what he was in for...LOL.

Here's a quick section of single track we hit.